• Documentation

Confluence signup from Jira

When you enable the Confluence integration in Jira, users can create Confluence content without leaving Jira. Users who only have Jira can request access directly from a few locations in the Jira interface, including in the Add menu in a work item and after they complete a sprint.

Enable Confluence signup in Jira

Jira admins can turn each of the three create content options on or off for users who only have Jira. This prevents users from starting the Confluence signup process from within Jira.

Turning this off will not remove any previously linked content or block users from linking existing Confluence content.

Admins can go to Product settings → Integrations → Confluence to change these settings.

Users without a Confluence account

When a user who only has Jira and not Confluence tries to create new content, they will be invited to join Confluence according to the organization’s account sign-up settings.

Users with a Confluence account

Users who already have both Jira and Confluence access can create new content in three areas:

  • After a sprint: When completing a sprint, users can create a Confluence page or whiteboard with a retrospective template.

  • From the work item view toolbar: Select the Add dropdown to create a new page, whiteboard, or database that will be linked to the issue.

  • In the Confluence linked content section: When users select the plus icon (+) in the Confluence content section, they can create a new content item that will be automatically linked to the issue.

  • From linked content: Users without Confluence access can see if content is already linked to the issue. Selecting the content items will let users start the signup process.

Confluence content in Jira respects Confluence’s space and content permissions. If a user doesn’t have access to a content item that’s linked to a Jira issue, they won’t be able to open it or see the title. When they select an item, they will be able to request access from the content’s owner.


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