Configure quick filters
This page applies to company-managed projects only.
Learn more about the difference between company-managed and team-managed projects.
Quick filters let you further filter the collection of issues appearing on a Scrum or Kanban board. Use quick filters to switch between different issue types (e.g. show only bugs), or to show team-specific views of a common backlog.
Before you begin
To configure the board and any of its settings, you must be either:
a project administrator for the location of the board
a board administrator for the board itself
See Permissions overview for more information to configure its quick filters.
About the default quick filters
By default, a board contains two quick filters, called 'Only My Issues' and 'Recently Updated':
Default quick filter | Default JQL | Notes |
Only My Issues | assignee = currentUser() | Displays issues assigned to the person who is currently viewing this board. |
Recently Updated | updatedDate >= -1d | Displays issues that have been updated in the last 24 hours. |
Manage quick filters
You can create additional quick filters or edit existing quick filters. Any additional quick filters that you create appear in the Quick filters dropdown menu. To display quick filters as buttons, switch on Show quick filters in the dropdown menu.
Go to your board, then select more () > Configure board. (NOTE: This requires admin permissions.)
Select the Quick Filters tab.
Edit the quick filters, as described in the following table.
Add a new quick filter | In the blue area, type the Name, JQL, and a Description (optional), then select Add. |
Change the name of a quick filter | Click in the Name area of the quick filter, modify the existing name, then select Update. |
Change the JQL of a quick filter | Click in the JQL area of the quick filter, modify the existing JQL, then select Update. See the examples below for some suggestions. For information on JQL syntax, see JQL. |
Delete a quick filter | Select the Delete button at the right of the quick filter. |
Move a quick filter | Hover over the vertical 'grid' icon, then drag and drop the quick filter up or down to its new position. |
Sample JQL for quick filters
Show all issues that are assigned to members of the "bugfix" group
assignee in membersOf("bugfix")
Show all issues of type “Bug”
type = "Bug"
Use an issue filter in your quick Filter
savedfilter = "My Filter"
For more JQL guidance, check out:
Save a new search as a filter
To create a new filter, see Save your search as a filter.
Need help? If you can't find the answer you need in our documentation, we have other resources available to help you. See Getting help.
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