• Documentation

Configure how your board estimates and tracks work

To configure the board and any of its settings, you must be either:

  • project administrator for the location of the board

  • board administrator for the board

See Permissions overview for more information.

When configuring a board, you can set whether issues are estimated in story points, time estimate issues, and how progress is tracked throughout your sprint. This process differs for company-managed and team-managed projects.

To configure project estimates for company-managed projects:

This setting can only be changed for company-managed Scrum teams.

  1. From your company-managed board, select more (•••) in the upper right corner of the board > Configure board.

  2. Select Estimation from the left-side menu.

  3. Adjust the estimation settings as you desire.

    1. Use the Estimation method dropdown to change how issues are estimated on your board.

    2. Enable Time tracking if you’d like to use a different method to track progress on your board. It’s common for teams to estimate work then track progress using two different methods.

      1. Selecting None uses what you’ve defined as the Estimation method to track progress.

      2. Selecting Remaining estimate and time spent tracks progress by subtracting the value from the Time spent field from the original estimate. Learn more about logging time to issues.

To configure project estimates for team-managed projects:

Estimation isn’t enabled by default in team-managed projects. Enabling estimation causes several changes that you should be aware of before doing it. Learn about the changes that happen when enabling estimation in team-managed projects.

  1. From your team-managed board, select Project settings from the left menu.

  2. Find Features on the left menu, and find the feature labeled Estimation.

  3. Select whether to use Story points or Time.

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