Change color of issue schedule bars on your timeline
This page refers to the timeline view in Jira and not your plan, the cross-project planning tool only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.
Unless otherwise noted, the timeline view in Jira is the same for both company-managed and team-managed projects.
On the timeline, you can change the color of parent issue’s schedule bar, which is then applied to all of its child issues. Planners often use this feature to highlight trends or emphasize pieces of work on the timeline. For example, you might want to make regular “Keeping the lights on” tasks a different color from feature work.
To change the color of schedule bars from the issue side view:
Select the issue schedule bar to open the side view.
Next, select the colored square next to the issue summary to open the picker.
Choose your color, and your change is automatically applied.
To change the color directly from the schedule bar:
Right click on the schedule bar (or hold control before clicking).
Choose a color from the menu.
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