We're updating our terminology in Jira

'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.

Align cross-project release dates in your plan

This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

By default, single-project releases that are contained within a cross-project release can have their own dates. However, if you want all of your single-project releases to converge or begin at the same time,your plan lets you align releases using either the start or end dates.

A cross-project release is a way to align multiple single-project releases, and is only used for planning purposes in your plan. They can’t be saved back to your Jira issues. When you save a cross-project release, only the single-project release associated with the teams in your plan will be updated.

To align the dates of single-project releases in a cross-project release:

  1. Navigate to the Releases view from the left side navigation, and find the cross-project release whose release dates you want to align.

  2. Select more () > Align dates.

  3. Choose how you want to align the start and/or end dates.

  4. When you’re done, select Set dates to update the dates in your plan.

Release start date options:

As early as possible - The release will start as soon as there are available teams to work on the issues in the release. This is mostly only used when auto-scheduling issues.

Fixed date - Set a date

Relative to previous release date - Automatically trigger a new release a certain amount of time after the previous release finishes. For example, you can start work on the beta release one day after work for the alpha is completed.

Release date end options:

After all issues are completed - The release date is flexible and doesn’t display in the plan.

Fixed date - The release will happen on this chosen date, overriding the capacity and velocity settings. The release icons on the timeline will turn red for overbooked releases.

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