• Documentation

Add a dependency in your plan

This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

There’s a few different ways to add a dependency to issues in your plan.

Create a dependency on your timeline

The quickest way to create a dependency is using the drag and drop method. With your timeline visible, select an issue’s dependency badge icon next to its timeline bar, and drag it to the schedule bar of the issue to which you want to link it, as shown in the picture below.

The badge that appears in Advanced Roadmaps for Jira Software Cloud that indicates a dependency on your timeline

Alternatively, select the dependency badge icon to open a menu that allows you to manually create the dependency.

Create a dependency on the Program board

From your Program board, select More (•••) on an issue, and select Add dependency. In the window that opens, select the type of relationship you want to create, and nominate the other issue. Use Add to save your dependency.

Create a dependency in the Dependency report

You can also create a dependency from the Dependency report view of your plan.

Choose the Add dependency button beneath the Review changes button, and configure your dependency in the menu that appears. When you’re done, select Add.


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