Delete a team-managed project

Jira project or product admins can access trash and restore or permanently delete projects.

Admins with the Administer Jira global permission or any user with the Administer the project permission can move projects to trash.

As Jira admins or project leads, you can get rid of projects that you don't need by moving them to trash. The projects along with its issues, components, attachments, and versions will be available in trash for 60 days after which they will be permanently deleted.

Jira 管理者はゴミ箱で次の操作を行えます。 

  • プロジェクトがゴミ箱に移動されたタイミングの確認

  • プロジェクトをゴミ箱に移動したユーザーの確認

  • プロジェクトが完全に削除されるタイミングの確認

  • ゴミ箱に移動されたプロジェクトの復元

  • Permanently delete a project.


  1. Go to Projects then View all projects.

  2. Find your team-managed software project and select More (•••) then Move to trash. A confirmation dialog appears.

  3. Select Move.

Or, you can: 

  1. Go to Settings () then Projects.

  2. サイドバーから [プロジェクト] を選択します。

  3. Find your team-managed software project and select More (•••) then Move to trash. A confirmation dialog appears.

  4. Select Move.


  1. Go to Settings () then Projects or choose Projects then View all projects.

  2. Find your team-managed software project and select More () then Project settings.

  3. サイドバーから [詳細] を選択します。

  4. Select More () then Move to trash. A confirmation dialog appears.

  5. Select Move




  1. Go to Settings () then Projects.

  2. サイドバーから [ごみ箱] を選択します。 

  3. Find your team-managed software project and select More () then Restore


Once you delete a project, you won't be able to recover it, so make sure you truly want to delete the data associated with your project.


  1. Choose Settings () then Projects.

  2. サイドバーから [ごみ箱] を選択します。 

  3. Find your team-managed software project and select More () then Delete permanently.


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。