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Set up a migration demo account to test migration

To help you understand how the Opsgenie migration process works before making a decision, you can set up a migration demo account. This trial environment allows you to experience the migration workflow, explore your recommended product and plan, and test the alternative plan and giving you a chance to try out both Jira Service Management and Compass as your new operations platform. Jira Service Management or Compass as your new operations platform.

Things to know before setting up a migration demo

  • This is a trial experience. Only Opsgenie owners can start this trial. The migration demo account is designed to give you an overview of the migration process, but it doesn’t contain real data from your Opsgenie instance.

  • The trial lasts for 30 days. After this period, the trial accounts will expire, and you won’t be able to access them.

  • You can only create a demo for the recommended migration plan or your selected destination plan if you’ve already scheduled your migration. This means the trial will reflect the suggested migration path based on your Opsgenie setup or the recommended product. If you’re migrating to an Enterprise plan or have been recommended the Enterprise plan, your trial will be created on the Premium plan instead.

  • The migration trial account will only include the Opsgenie Owner who initiated the trial. Additional users won’t be added automatically.

  • You can use the migration guide. The demo will allow you to experience how tasks are managed post-migration.

  • If your billing is already approved, or your data migration is completed, you won’t be able to start a migration trial account.

    As a best practice, we recommend starting your migration demo experience before planning your migration to better understand the process and explore your migration options.

This demo is designed only for the purpose of testing the migration process. Billing approval requirements and additional communications, such as emails, aren’t included.

Create a migration demo account

To set up your migration demo:

  1. Go to Settings > Migrate Opsgenie in your Opsgenie instance.

  2. In the Recommended plan section, select Try migration demo.

  3. This will automatically create trial accounts for Jira Service Management or Compass based on your recommended plan.

  4. Refresh the page. You’ll see that the Try migration buttons have been replaced with:

    • Demo in Opsgenie

    • Demo in Jira Service Management or Demo in Compass, depending on your recommendation.

Explore the migration demo

  • Set a migration date. In the demo, migration is automatically scheduled to current date and time. You can observe how it progresses through each stage.

  • Experience the migration guide. After setting the migration date, switch to Jira Service Management or Compass to explore how the migration guide supports post-migration tasks.

  • Create dummy data to test features effectively, add sample incidents, incoming calls, alerts, and teams based on what you currently use in Opsgenie. This helps you evaluate how these elements function in your new product.

  • Add your team members. Opsgenie Owners should invite relevant team members to the trial account, particularly those involved in making the migration decision. This ensures they can explore and assess the new environment together.

At any time, you can return to Settings > Migrate Opsgenie to continue exploring the migration demo.

After 30 days, the trial accounts will expire, and you’ll need to proceed with your actual migration decision.


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