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Share a page, whiteboard, or blog post

You can use the Share option in Confluence Cloud to email people a link to your page, whiteboard, or blog post. This is a great way to invite your team to collaborate or to share information with a large group of people.

When a page has view restrictions, sharing it with someone won’t automatically give that person access to the page. Before sharing, check the page’s permissions settings to make sure the person you’re sharing with will have access.

Illustration of the share panel with recipients specified and a custom message

Share by email

To share Confluence Cloud content by email:

  1. Open the page, whiteboard, or blog post in Confluence Cloud.

  2. Select the Share button in the top right.

  3. Start typing the name of a person, group, or team to see a list of suggestions, then select the right ones from the list. Repeat this step to add multiple recipients.

  4. (Optional) Add a custom message.

  5. Select Send.

In addition to an email, Confluence Cloud users will also get a notification in the Confluence app.

To copy a link to Confluence Cloud content:

  1. Open the page, whiteboard, or blog post in Confluence Cloud.

  2. Select the copy link icon next to the Share button in the top right.

Share in Slack

Save yourself the context switching and extra clicks of sharing Confluence content in Slack by doing it directly from Confluence. You can find the Share in Slack functionality in the Share window.

Share in Slack tab within the Share window

The Confluence Slack app is a system app and is installed by default for all Confluence sites, so anyone can directly use this without needing admins to install the app.

Connect a Slack workspace

To get started with Share in Slack, you first need to choose a Slack workspace to connect to Confluence.

To connect a Slack workspace:

  1. Open any content in Confluence Cloud.

  2. Select the Share button in the top right.

  3. Select the Share in Slack tab.

  4. Select Sign in.

This will prompt you to sign into the workspace you want to connect.

Share directly in Slack from Confluence

Once you’ve connected the right Slack workspace, you can start sharing directly in Slack.

To share in Slack:

  1. Go to the content you want to share.

  2. Select the Share button in the top right.

  3. Select the Share in Slack tab.

  4. Choose which Slack workspace to send to.

  5. Choose the channel or person in that workspace.

  6. Add an optional message

  7. Select Share.

Change which Slack workspace to share in

  1. In the Share in Slack tab, open the top dropdown.

  2. Scroll to find the desired workspace or start typing in the dropdown to search for it.

  3. Select the workspace.

If you don’t see the right Slack workspace to choose from, you may need to connect it.

To connect an additional workspace, select Add new workspace in the dropdown.

Who can I share with?

Pages, whiteboards, and blog posts can be shared with individual users, groups, and teams in Confluence Cloud. You can also share with external users by entering their email address and inviting them to join the site.

What is a team?
A team in Confluence is a group of people with an Atlassian account, organized around real-world team like Product Design or Engineering. Anyone can start or join a team. Learn more.

Inviting external users

When you share content with someone outside Confluence Cloud, we send them an email inviting them to join your site. They’ll be prompted to create an Atlassian account before they can access your page, whiteboards, or blog post.

When you invite an external user, you grant them access to Confluence, not just to your page, whiteboard, or blog post. We add them to the default product group and start billing you for the new user.

In some cases, your invitation will be sent to an admin for approval first. This happens when:

  • Your site doesn’t allow existing users to invite others to join.

  • The recipient’s email address domain, like @gmail.com, isn’t on your site’s list of approved domains.

If an admin declines your request, you’ll be notified by email. The external recipient won’t be notified.

Learn how to control who gets access to your site.

Still need help?

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