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View a page

After a page has been published, the high-level details about the content are presented at the top of the page. This information is useful in helping you understand how fresh the content is, how many people collaborated on the content, how long it will take to read, and what changed since the last time it was published.

Details the information at the top of a page when viewing it

The page information includes the following:

  1. Breadcrumb — Path that shows the location of the page; it starts with space name followed by the location in the page tree

  2. Referenced links — If your Confluence instance is connected to Jira, the Jira links referenced on the page are aggregated here; select this area to show all Jira issues by number, status, and issue summary

  3. Page actions — The most frequently used actions are represented by selectable icons with additional actions available in the More actions ( ••• ) menu

  4. Page name — Title of the page; page names must be unique within a space

  5. Contributors — The avatars of the people who created, edited, and published the page

  6. Page creator — The name of the person who created the page

  7. Last updated — Shows the time the page was first published or updated; if it was published more than 24 hours ago, the date is shown

  8. Read time — The estimated time it takes to read a page. Read time is based on average reading speed of 265 WPM + 12 sec for the first image + 11 sec for second image and so on until the tenth image. Ten or more images each add 3 seconds to the read time. Read time calculations include any content in expand macros.

  9. Analytics — Get insights on how your sitespaces, and pages are performing and how active users are. Analytics is available to all users with Premium.

Your administrator can determine which of the information is presented in your Confluence instance.

More actions

When viewing a page without restrictions, the following actions are possible.

Details the actions that are possible when viewing a page without any restrictions

Copy — see Copy pages

Move — see Move pages

Export — see Export single pages to Word or PDF

Convert to blog — Allows you to transform a previously published page into a blog that will live in the Blogs section of the space you choose.

Archive — see Archive pages

Delete — see Delete pages

Presenter mode — See Present your content with Presenter mode

Analytics — see Analytics

Page History — see Page versions and history

Attachments — see Upload and manage files

Resolved comments — see Resolve inline comments

Advanced details:

Slack Notifications — establish which Slack channels will be notified when the actions you choose happen on this page

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