Search for pages, posts, and other items

Confluence gives you a few ways to find what you're looking for. 

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Use the slash ( / ) shortcut key from anywhere in the application to quickly open the search drawer.

Use the slash ( / ) shortcut key to open quick search.
  1. To perform a quick search in Confluence, place focus in the search field in the navigation. 

  2. With focus in the search field, a quick search drawer opens. 

  3. Enter the name of a page, blog post, whiteboard, person, file/attachment, or space, and choose from the list of options displayed. Items are ordered with the most recently updated first. When selecting a person, you can view their profile.

If you don't immediately see what you need in the quick search, press Enter or choose the Advanced search option at the bottom of the search results to do an advanced search.

Confluence advanced search allows you to search for content across spaces, personal profiles, and attachments.

To use advanced search:

  1. Place focus in the search bar. 

  2. Enter your search terms.

  3. Select Advanced search or press the Enter/Return key.

Advanced search results help you better understand if a result is the one you’re looking for by showing you information beyond just the title. View highlighted search terms, check the last updated date, and use clickable breadcrumbs for contextual insight into a item’s location and hierarchy.

Advanced search results help you better understand if a result is the one by showing you information beyond just the title.

You can also add filters to your search to focus your results.

Confluence Cloud search filters

Filter using the following fields:

  • Spaces – Return content from a particular space or list of spaces. Select the checkbox to include archived spaces.

  • Contributors – Find content that's been modified (created, edited, or commented on) by a particular person or people in any space, including their personal space. When adding multiple contributors to your filter, the operator used between the people is OR. The ability to use the AND operator between people is not supported.

  • Type – See results of a certain type, like pages, blog posts, whiteboards, attachments, or comments. Results include the following types of attachments: Word, Text, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, and HTML.

  • Last modified – Choose or enter a date range to only show results that were updated within a particular period of time.

  • Labels – See results that contain a specific label or labels. When adding multiple labels to your filter, the operator used between the labels is OR. The ability to use the AND operator between labels is not supported.

  • Pages under – Return content that exists in pages under the selected page. This is helpful if know generally where the content you’re looking for exists in the content tree but don't know the exact page name. 

  • Search titles only - When selected, your results only contain pages whose titles contain the text entered in the search field.

In addition to advanced search filters, you can use the Confluence search syntax to really focus your results.

Recent activity

There are a few ways to quickly find pages you've recently visited or worked on.

  • Recent menu in the navigation

  • Home page

Recent menu

You can easily get to pages based on your recent interaction with them from anywhere using the navigation. Once you are there, you can use the filter to narrow the list based on characters in the title of the page.

To see recent items:

  1. Click Recent in the navigation.

  2. Choose Visited, Worked onDrafts, or Starred.

Quickly open the Recent menu drawer using the keyboard shortcut.

Home page

The Home page is a great place to start your Confluence day. The Recent pages section of that page give you a good reminder about what you were doing last. 


Whether you are using the Recent menu in the navigation or the Recent pages section of the Home page, the tabs used to separate your pages are broken up into the following groups:

  1. Visited — Pages, blogs, and whiteboards you have viewed, including those that you’ve edited and commented on

  2. Worked on — Pages, blogs, and whiteboards you created, edited, and commented on; this includes drafts

  3. Starred — Pages, blogs, and whiteboards you starred so that you can easily get back to them without searching or using browser bookmarks

  4. Drafts — Pages and blogs you created and closed without publishing

When you add a page comment or an inline comment, those actions result in a page showing up in your Visited and Worked on lists.

All items are sorted by date with the most recent item at the top. If you saved an item for later, you’ll see a star next to the item’s name.


Text entered in the filter field helps you narrow the list of items already visible on the four tabs by searching the titles; the filter only shows items already visible to you in the list of recent items. It does not search the text of the items.

If you're looking for an item not visible in any of the tabs, click search in the navigation.

If your search contains terms that Atlassian or your organization considers to be potentially suspicious, those terms and other contextual search queries made at the same time as the suspicious search, may be included in a security alert which can be viewed by an organization admin or Guard Detect user authorized by the organization admin.

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