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View insights on spaces

Understand how a space in your site is performing with insights about your pages and users.

The overview page of Confluence space analytics

Insights on spaces can also be accessed from the spaces tab of site analytics.

The Overview tab shows analytics data for your space as a whole.

  1. Navigate to the space whose analytics you want to view. 

  2. Select Analytics in the sidebar.

  3. Use the filters at the top to select the date range for your data. You can also decide how you want to group the data, whether to display it by total number of users or unique users, and more.

The cards below the chart show top rankings for key insights found in the Pages and Users tabs:

  • Popular content – The pages with the most views in the chosen date range

  • Most active readers – The users who viewed pages in this space the most number of times in the chosen date range

  • Most active contributors – The users who have updated pages in this space the most number of times in the chosen date range

Selecting View all takes you to the full list of rankings in each tab.

View insights on the pages in a space

View insights on the pages in a space

From the Pages tab of site analytics, you can view the following insights:

  • Title - The name of the page

  • Created - The date the page was created

  • Last modified - The last time the page was edited for the date range

  • Last viewed - The last time a user has viewed the page for the date range

  • Comment activity - The total number of comments on the page for the date range

  • Users viewed - The total number of unique users that have viewed the page for the date range

  • Views - The total number of views for the page for the date range

Export reports on your space's pages

You can export and download a Microsoft Excel report of the analytics on your space's pages.

  1. Select the ellipses () on the top right of the page.

  2. Select Export Excel.

View insights on the users of your space

View insights on the users of your space

From the Users tab of space analytics, you can view the following insights:

  • Name - The name of the user

  • Created - The number of pages the user has created for the date range

  • Updated - The number of times the user has edited pages for the date range

  • Comments - The number of time the user has commented on pages for the date range

  • Views - The total number of times the user has viewed pages for the date range

Export reports on your space's users

You can export and download a Microsoft Excel report of the analytics on your space's users.

  1. Select the ellipses () on the top right of the page.

  2. Select Export Excel.

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