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Install Questions for Confluence

To enable the Questions for Confluence:

  1. Select the wheel icon () in the top-right corner to open Confluence administration.

  2. Find Settings in the left-hand navigation.

  3. Select Atlassian Marketplace > Find new apps.

  4. Search for Questions for Confluence.

  5. Select Try it free and follow the prompts.

By default everyone in your users group will have permissions to use Questions. See Permissions if you wish to restrict access to particular groups.

The global questions space

When you install Questions for Confluence, we'll prompt you to create a space for global questions. Global questions are questions that aren't asked in a specific Confluence space, but are instead posed to your whole instance.

We'll suggest a name and key for the space, but you can change these defaults if you like. You shouldn't delete this space, as deleting it will delete vital Questions info and Questions won't function as it should.

Exporting to/importing from Questions for Confluence Data Center

Right now there's no way to export to/import from Questions for Confluence Data Center. We're really hopeful we'll be able to support migration in future, but we unfortunately can't give any guarantees or time frame at this point. If and when the situation changes, we'll let you know.


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