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Use a template to get started fast

Use templates to create whiteboards with useful pre-populated content. We offer a number of best-practice templates from the Atlassian Team Playbook that you can use to speed up your workflow.

We have templates for use cases:

  • brainstorming

  • planning and strategy

  • diagramming

  • team building

  • practicing agile

There are two ways to access templates,

1. When creating a new whiteboard, you will be prompted to select a template from the template picker to get started. Hover over the template you wish to use and select ‘Use template’.

Selecting a template from the template picker dialog

2. To add a template to an existing whiteboard, select the template icon in the right side toolbar to open up the template picker. Hover over the template you wish to use and select ‘Use template’.

The templates button on the right side toolbar

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