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Subscribe to pre-specified RSS feeds

This page is about subscribing to an RSS feed that Confluence has predefined for you.

To subscribe to predefined RSS feeds for a particular space:

  1. Go to the space in Confluence Cloud.

  2. Select Space settings from the sidebar. 

  3. Select RSS feeds from the Integrationscard.

  4. Copy and paste the link for one of the feeds into your RSS newsreader.

Feeds include:

  • Pages

  • Blog

  • Mail

  • Comments

  • Attachments

  • All content

To subscribe to predefined RSS feeds for a particular screen (where available):

A "screen" in this sense means a screen in the Confluence UI, rather than a page that contains Confluence content. For example, your network view offers an RSS feed.

  1. Go to the screen to which you want to subscribe

  2. Locate the orange RSS feed icon, which is available in the top-right corner of certain pages

  3. Copy and paste the icon's link into your RSS newsreader

The predefined RSS feed will return no more than 10 entries within the last 5 days. To customize your Confluence RSS feed (for example, use a label to filter your feed), use the RSS Feedbuilder instead of the above instructions.

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