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What is the new and improved publishing experience?

We’re improving the experience of publishing and updating pages in Confluence Cloud. Find out what’s coming and how it can help you feel more confident creating and distributing content.

No action is needed to prepare for these changes. The updated experience is expected to begin rolling out in late June 2023.

How is the publishing experience changing?

The new publishing experience aims to remove the anxiety that can emerge around content creation by providing more transparency and control over where a page will live and who can see it when published.

An image of the new Publish... CTA on the toolbar


When you first go to publish a page or blog post draft by selecting Publish…, you’ll see a new modal that consolidates several existing publishing options and settings into one place.

An image of the new publish dialog modal that appears when you go to publish a draft

In this modal, you’ll be able to:

  • Choose where the page or blog post will go.

  • Choose who can see the page or blog post after it is published.

  • Add version comments to describe the page you are publishing or updating. These comments can be helpful later when reviewing a page’s history.

  • Schedule a publish for a future date and time.

  • Convert a page into a blog post.

Other than location and access, all fields in the publish dialog are optional. Spending the time to properly adjust your settings up front can save time on future updates.


Once a page or blog is published for the first time, all subsequent changes made to it are known as updates.

To update a published page or blog with new edits based on the settings you selected or simply confirmed when publishing, select Update from the top right toolbar of the editor.

Image of the new Update CTA on the toolbar

To review and/or adjust the settings of your update, select the down carat () next to Update.

Learn more about these exciting improvements to publishing and updating content


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