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Manage global page templates and blueprints

Confluences administrators can delete templates from the template gallery. For information on how to delete a template that is available only in a specific space, see Delete or disable a template.

To delete a global page template:

  1. If you aren’t already there, go to your Confluence Cloud instance.

  2. Select the wheel icon () in the top-right corner to open Confluence administration.

  3. Find Settings in the left-hand navigation.

  4. Select Configuration > Global templates and blueprints.

  5. Find the template in the Global page templates table and select the delete icon ().

This is permanent: once a template has been deleted, it cannot be restored.

You can also disable a global blueprint. Unlike deleting a template, which is permanent and cannot be undone, you can enable a disabled blueprint at any time.

To disable or re-enable a global page blueprint:

  1. If you aren’t already there, go to your Confluence Cloud instance.

  2. Select the wheel icon () in the top-right corner to open Confluence administration.

  3. Find Settings in the left-hand navigation.

  4. Select Configuration > Global templates and blueprints.

  5. Find the blueprint in the Global page blueprints list and use the toggle to turn enable or disable it.


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