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Discover relevant content with related pages

Not sure what to read next after finishing a page? Gain context on collaborative work faster and quickly discover relevant articles in a knowledge base with related pages.

Related pages are automatically generated suggestions for further reading, based on pages that are viewed or are organized together. This linked content can be found at the end of a page, before the comments section, along with the reason why it’s been recommended.

Find automatically generated suggestions for further reading at the end of a page, before the comments section.


  • Related pages will only show on pages that have content—that is, aren’t empty or only include macros.

  • Blog posts will not show related pages, but can be included in the suggestions on a page.

  • A page has to have been read by multiple people before suggestions start populating.

  • You’ll only ever see suggestions for related pages that you have access to.

Each related page shows why it has been suggested, either because it is organized together or often read together with the current page. If content is Organized together, there’s a structural relationship with the current page (for example, a parent page, sibling page, child page). Often read together recommendations are determined by behavioral patterns—in other words, people who have read the current page often have also read the recommended content.

Space admins control whether related pages are on to begin with, as well as the default behavior (if pages should start off being shown or hidden). If they turn related pages on for a space, anyone with edit permissions for a particular page can choose to show or hide page recommendations for it.

To change related pages settings as a space admin:

  1. Select Space Settings for the space.

  2. Under Manage space, select Related pages.

  3. You can toggle the feature on or off.
    Remember, if turned off, related pages will not generate for any page in the space.

  4. Select the default behavior, Hidden on each page or Shown on each page.

    1. If hidden, suggestions will not automatically show, but can be turned on for individual pages by anyone with permission to edit.

    2. If shown, suggestions will automatically show (when available), but can be turned off for individual pages by anyone with permission to edit.

Space admins control whether related pages are on to begin with, as well as the default behavior.

When related pages are on for a space, you can still control if they appear on a page, as long as you have permission to edit it.

When you show or hide suggestions on a page, you show or hide them for everyone. You can always hide or show them again later if you change your mind.

To show related pages for an individual page:

When viewing the page, select More actions (), then Advanced details > Show related pages.

Show or hide related pages on an individual page from "Advanced details."

Suggestions might not be available immediately for every page, so check back later if nothing shows up.

To hide related pages for an individual page:

  1. Select () above the related pages, then Hide for everyone…

  2. Confirm you want to Hide for everyone

Easily hide related pages on an individual page level for all viewers of a page.

You can also hide related pages through the More actions menu () the way you can show them.

From the More actions menu, hide related pages on an individual page level for all viewers of a page.


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