Learn which macros are being removed
Sometimes, in the history of Confluence, we've added an easier way to do something, without remembering to take away the difficult way of doing that thing. There was a time when you had to open the macro browser and find the strikethrough macro just to add a line through your text. We later added a strikethrough button to the toolbar (much faster!) but still kept that strikethrough macro around.
Other macros were removed due to issues with performance when the editor shows the content live on the edited page.
JUnit Report
Below you'll find a list of the macros that were intentionally excluded from the new editor and are being removed from the legacy editor along with the the alternative methods you can use to get the same results.
Macro | Alternative method |
Align | Align your content by using the align options in your toolbar |
Background color | Use a panel element
Center | Use the center align feature in the toolbar
Cheese | Type "I like cheese!" |
Code Block | Use the Code Snippet element available from the menu or from the slash command ( / ). |
Confluence news gadget | Link to the Atlassian cloud blog |
Content by user | Create a normal link to a search for the author using the following link structure: https://SITE.atlassian.net/wiki/dosearchsite.action?
cql=creator+%3D+%22USERNAME%22 For example, if I wanted to search for everything created by Desiree Conceicao on connie.atlassian.net, the link would be connie.atlassian.net/wiki/dosearchsite.actio
n?cql=creator+%3D+%22dconceicao%22 |
Copyright | Use your operating system’s symbol shortcut for ©:
Create space button | Create a link to the following URL, substituting your own site name: https://SITE.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/createspace
-start.action For example, on connie.atlassian.net, the link would be connie.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/createspac
e-start.action |
Fancy bullets | If you want to use images or symbols as your bullets, you can still achieve a similar effect by adding them in manually, and indenting your list (although your bullets won't be outside of the indent). Alternatively, if you're planning on printing a page with bullets, you can export that page to PDF and use Confluence's PDF stylesheet function to style your bullets however you'd like. |
Favorite Pages | No current alternative for this macro |
Global reports | You can already get all this information through space tools |
Highlight | Use a panel element
HTML comment | No current alternative for this macro |
IM presence | If you need to know whether someone's online, it's probably easier to check that messaging service than to create a page with this macro on it |
Loremipsum | Use one of the many online tools for generating placeholder text like https://www.lipsum.com/ |
Microsoft OneDrive for Business | Use Smart Links to embed OneDrive documents |
Multimedia | No current alternative for this macro |
Navigation map | Use the children display macro |
Noformat | Use the Code formatting from the toolbar to make text monospace; however, you won't be able to remove the grey background |
Panel | Use a panel element |
Privacy mark | Insert the lock and key icon from emoji picker in the toolbar
Privacy policy | Insert a link to your privacy policy |
Recently used labels | Use the more functional Related labels or Content by label macro |
Registered Trademark | Use your operating system’s symbol shortcut for ®:
Search results | Create a normal link to search results page directly for your keyword(s) |
Service Mark | Type “SM”, and apply the superscript formatting from the toolbar |
Space attachments | Add a label to all the pages with attachments, then use a content by label macro |
Space details | Copy/paste your space details from space tools |
Strikethrough | Add strikethrough formatting to your text using the strikethrough option in your toolbar |
Trademark | Use your operating system’s symbol shortcut for ™:
Wikimarkup was not included in the new editor. Use markdown instead. For more information, go to Keyboard shortcuts, markdown, and autocomplete.
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