• Documentation

Page insights and analytics

This feature is available to users with a Confluence Standard, Premium or Enterprise subscription.

Page insights shows you how many people have viewed a page. On each page or blog, you'll find the estimated read time and how many people in total have viewed it (all-time).

The Confluence Cloud page analytics byline preview

Analytics are also available from the More actions menu ( icon) on the right side of the editor toolbar.

View analytics from the page

For more information, select the text in the byline that includes how many people have viewed the page (if you do not see this, you’ll need to upgrade your Confluence plan).

Confluence Cloud page detailed analytics

This opens an analytics summary and displays the Views tab, including a chart showing the number of views and unique viewers.

Select Mentions to see a summary of views from people mentioned on the page.

Select Links to see the top outbound and inbound links. Outbound links show click counts for links included on the page. Inbound links show pages that link to the current page and the number of viewers who reached this page through those links. Select View all to go directly to the full analytics screen.

To access even more page analytics, select Get more insights.

View all page analytics

Page analytics will provide even more information about page views. This is only available to users with a Premium or Enterprise subscription.


The Overview tab includes information about total views, unique viewers and views by mentioned users.

  1. Select the date range to filter your views by a specific time period. You can also decide how you want to group the data, whether to display it by total number of users or unique users.

  2. When you hover over the chart, you’ll see a data summary for a specific date.

The Views analytics tab shows data about page views


Below the graph is a summary of all viewers.

  • Last version viewed: the latest version of the page that a user has viewed

  • Last viewed: The last time the user viewed the page

  • Views: The total number of times the user viewed the page


The Mentions tab includes view data for anyone mentioned on the page.

  • Viewed/Not viewed: This drop-down menu allows you to filter users who have viewed the page, not viewed the page, or all users

  • Last version viewed: the latest version of the page that a user has viewed

  • Last viewed: The last time the user viewed the page

  • Views: The total number of times the user viewed the page

Linked content

Linked content analytics includes outbound and inbound links. All data can be filtered by the past seven days, one month, three months, year-to-date, all-time, or a custom date range.

Inbound and outbound tab for the page analytics screen

Outbound link data is available for clicks on public pages and blogs after Jan. 31, 2025. Deleted and archived links aren’t included.

The Outbound tab includes the total number of clicks, the click-through rate, and data for each page linked from the current page.

  • Date added: Sort by the date the link was added to the page

  • CTR: the click-through rate, or number of total views that included a click on the link

  • Unique clicks: Total number of users who clicked at least once

  • Total clicks: Total of all clicks

Inbound link data is available for clicks on pages and blogs after Jan. 31, 2025, except:

  • Restricted, deleted, or archived links

  • links to spaces created after the edit space key feature, if the space key, title, or space was changed

The Inbound tab includes data from Confluence content that links to the current page, including total clicks and views from inbound links.

  • Date added: Sort by the date the link was added to the page

  • Unique clicks: Total number of users who clicked at least once

  • Total clicks: Total of all clicks


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