What are macros?
Learn about macros and how they can enhance the presentation of information on your pages.
What are macros?
Learn about macros and how they can enhance the presentation of information on your pages.
Learn which macros are being removed
Find out which macros were deprecated and get alternative suggestions for accomplishing the same outcomes.
Insert the attachments macro
Show a list of all the attachments on a page.
Insert the blog posts macro
Learn how to show all blog posts that match your criteria.
Insert the change history macro
Show a list of a page's version history.
Insert the child pages macro
List links to a page's child and descendant pages.
Insert the filter by label macro
Display a list of pages, blog posts, or attachments that have particular labels.
Insert the content report table macro
Learn how to display a set of pages and blog posts as a table, based on the labels specified in the content report table macro.
Insert the contributors macro
Display a list of Confluence users who have made a contribution of some type to a page, as well as a list of watchers of the page.
Insert the contributors summary macro
Display a table of contribution-based statistics for a set of pages.
Insert the create from template macro
Understand how to add a Create from Template button to a page. The button is linked to a specific template.
Insert the decision report macro
Display a list of decisions by page using the decision report macro.
Insert the excerpt macro
Understand how to mark text to be repurposed elsewhere.
Add excerpts to a page with the insert excerpt macro
Insert text that was marked as an excerpt on another page.
Insert the include page macro
Reuse the content from another page.
Insert the labels list macro
Show a list of all pages in a space with a certain label.
Insert the network macro
Display the activity of one certain user or all users you follow from the Network tab in your settings.
Insert the popular labels macro
Display the most popular labels used throughout your Confluence site or within a space.
Insert the profile picture macro
Display a user's profile picture on a page.
Insert the recent updates macro
Display a list of the most recently updated content in a given space or set of spaces.
Insert the recently updated dashboard macro
Display the most recent content organized as tabs.
Insert the related labels macro
Create a list of labels from every page which has one or more labels in common with the current page.
Insert the spaces list macro
Display a list of spaces on a page.
Insert the task report macro
Display a list of tasks on a page using filters by space, page, user, label, and created date.
Insert the user profile macro
Display a short summary of a Confluence user.
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