Upload a file

You can upload files as a an image, document, or web link to your pages.

Uploaded files can be viewed as:

  • An image,

  • A link, or

  • Embedded in the page by using multimedia macros such as Cards, a Gallery, or Charts.

To upload a file, you'll need Add Attachments permission for your Space. Otherwise, the relevant options in the editing toolbar will not appear.

Upload a file

There are several ways to attach a file to a page you are editing:

  • Drag the file directly onto the page. 

  • Select the Add image, video, or file icon in the toolbar, and upload a file or link.

  • Type the /image command. It will open a popup for file or link uploads.

You can upload multiple files at once.

Images added via URL may use part of the URL as their attachment name, without an extension. You can rename files via the ... menu →AttachmentsFilesProperties.

View-only page uploads

To attach file to a page you are viewing:

  • Drag the file directly onto the page, or

  • Go to the ... menu → AttachmentsFiles.


Accepted file types and size

The admin of your Atlassian licence specifies the attachment size limit.

  • The default size limit is 100 MB.

  • Most file types can be attached to a page.

  • Not all file types can be displayed on or embedded in a page.

Folders can not attach to pages

  • You cannot attach folders (including folders created by applications like Keynote).

  • If you'd like to upload a folder, export it to a zip file or other compressed format, then upload to Confluence. 


File versions

Confluence maintains version history for all attachments.

  • If you upload a file with the same name as an existing attachment on the same page, Confluence overwrites the existing attachment.

  • To update a file you've attached to a Confluence page, upload a new version of the file.

  • Changes you make to the source file won't affect attachments in Confluence.

Avoid using special characters in page or attachment names, as the page or attachment may not be found by Confluence search and may cause some Confluence functions to behave unexpectedly.

Learn more about managing uploaded files

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