• Documentation

Add excerpts to a page with the insert excerpt macro

The insert excerpt macro is used to display an excerpt of content from one page on another.

Before you can insert an excerpt on a page using this macro, the excerpt must first be created using the excerpt macro and preferably given a unique name. You can create more than one excerpt on a single source page. You can include more than one excerpt on any given page as well.

To add an excerpt to a page:

  1. From the editor, select from the toolbar to bring up the insert menu. You can also type /insertexcerpt right in the body of your page to select this macro from the insert menu.

  2. Find the Insert excerpt macro and select it. Upon selection, a modal will appear.

  3. In the Source page field, search and select the page from which you want to source your excerpt.

  4. From the Excerpt name dropdown, select the name of the excerpt you’d like to insert.
    If you encounter an untitled or duplicate named excerpt in the dropdown list, you may want to first give each excerpt a unique name on the source page before making a selection.

  5. You can opt to keep or remove the title and frame when displaying your excerpt. Select Preview to see what the excerpt will look like on the page before inserting it.

  6. Select Insert to add the excerpt to your page.

A view of the modal where the insert excerpt macro can be configured while inserting an excerpt onto a page.


To edit an existing insert excerpt macro:

  1. From the editor, select the excerpt you want to configure.

  2. Select the Edit icon () to open the modal.

  3. Configure the source page, selected excerpt, title and frame, and preview as needed.

  4. Select Insert to confirm your changes.


Parameters are options that you can set to control what and how content from the macro appears on the page. 

If the parameter name used in Confluence Cloud storage format is different than the label used when inserting macros using the browser or the slash command, it will be listed below in brackets (example).




Source page


Type the name of the page that contains the excerpt to be displayed. You can use an excerpt from a page in the same space or another space altogether.

When you type the name of the page into the insert excerpt macro dialog, Confluence will offer a list of matching pages, including those from other spaces.

Upon selecting a page, the space key will appear before the page title in the input box.

Alternatively, you can type the space key followed by a colon (:) and the page name, like this:

SPACEKEY:Page name

Remove title + frame


Determines whether Confluence will display a frame around the excerpted content along with its title. By default, the frame and title are shown.

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