• Documentation

Get started with Confluence databases

Databases aren’t available in the Atlassian Government environment.

Databases in Confluence allow teams to store and organize structured data in one place. For example, you could use databases to:

  • Create a single source of truth for documentation and information

  • Track the progress of projects and tasks

  • Assign work and track who is responsible for what and by when

We'll walk through how to create, configure, populate, display, and manage databases tailored to your team's needs.

This guide provides the essentials to start building and connecting your content with databases in Confluence.

While this feature is currently limited to Confluence, it will be able to connect to plug-ins and access data from your other Atlassian products in order to provide its full functionality. For example, while it may only be turned on and available for use in your Confluence instance, it will be able to leverage information based on user permissions in linked Jira issues.

Database tour

Every Confluence database has the same sets of options. Take a look at our Database tour to see a quick walkthrough.

Finding databases in Confluence

All databases live within Confluence spaces.

You can find your database via:

  • Space content tree (formerly known as the page tree)

  • Space content view

  • Quick Search

  • Advanced Search

  • Recent activity

    • Recent menu in the navigation

    • Home page

Create a new database

There are three ways to create a database in Confluence:

  • Select the Create button in the navigation, and select Database.

  • Select the + button next to the Content section in the space sidebar and select Database to create a database in your space.

  • When editing, select + from the toolbar and find Create database or enter ‘/database.’

See our article on creating databases for more details Create a database.

Edit the database structure

Each database in Confluence has a structure defined by the field types you configure. Each field type can hold different kinds of information. For more details on the available fields, see Database fields.

To add a new field:

  1. In the table layout, select the + button in the upper right corner of the database.

  2. Search or select the type of field.

  3. Enter a name for the field.


To edit a field:

  1. In the table layout, select the three dots next to the field name.

  2. Select Edit field.

  3. Edit any of the values in the Field settings dialog.

  4. Close the Field settings dialog.


To delete a field:

  1. In the table layout, select the handle at the top of each column to select one or more field columns.

  2. Select the trash can icon on the floating toolbar.

  3. All the selected field columns will be deleted.

Deleting a field also removes that field’s data from all entries.


Add entries and values

Entries and values can be added directly to or modified when viewing a database linked on a page.

To add an entry to a database:

  1. Select + Add entry at the bottom of the database.

  2. Enter the values for the new entry.

    • In the table layout, you can enter or update values directly in the table.

    • In the card or board layout, an entry dialog will open.

A database's fields or entries are not limited, but be aware that large databases can take longer to load and quickly become very complex.


To delete an entry:

  1. In the table layout, select the handle to the left of each row to select one or more entry rows.

  2. Select the trash can icon on the floating toolbar.

  3. All the selected entry rows will be deleted.

Display databases in other places

How your information is presented can be critical to your team's success. Databases enable you to show data logically and use sorting or filtering to display the most relevant information to your team. You can display full database tables or data entries anywhere Smart Links are used. See Share databases, entries, or values.

Currently, the ability to use the embed database or the database Macros is not enabled for Confluence Templates.

Database views

Database views allow you to customize how your Database is displayed in embeds and links. Views let you define options like layout, filtering, sorting, and visible fields that will apply across all usages of that Database. See Database views.

When embedding a database using its URL, the view used when the URL is copied is automatically set as default for your embed.

Manage databases

This section covers actions like moving, deleting, restricting access, and sharing databases.

Move or copy a database

You can move or copy databases within or across Confluence spaces, just like pages. Any incoming links are maintained. You can also copy or move child pages, boards, and databases under the parent.

See the following topic for more information on moving and copying content in Confluence.

Move, copy, and hide content items

You can copy only the structure by selecting Copy structure from the Database More menu. This will create a new blank copy of the database with the same fields but without any entries or values.

Delete, archive, or restore a database

Deleting a database moves it to the space's trash. It can be restored until permanently deleted.

See the following topic for more information on deleting and restoring content in Confluence.

Delete, restore, or purge a content item

Archiving removes a database from your active workspace without entirely deleting it.

See the following topic for more information on archiving content in Confluence.

Archive content items

Database restrictions

You can restrict database access and editing like other Confluence content. Database permissions are managed at the space level.

See the following topic for more information on restricting content in Confluence.

Add or remove content restrictions

Sharing databases

Databases can be shared the same as other Confluence content like pages and blogs.

See the following topic for more information on sharing content in Confluence.

Share Confluence content


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