Upload and manage files

Share your team's PDFs, Office documents, images, and more in one place by uploading your files to Confluence. Automatic versioning, instant previews, permissions, and full-text search mean shared network drives can be a thing of the past for your team.

Regardless of which editor you are using, file added to the edited page gets attached to the current page or blog post. You can attach anything, from project plans and design mockups to video and audio files. You and your colleagues can also collaborate by Share and comment on files displayed on Confluence pages.

Using files


The 'Add Attachment' and 'Delete Attachment' permissions are used to control who can upload and delete attachments in a space.

Users with 'Add Page' or 'Add Blog' permissions can insert existing attachments to their pages, but not upload new attachments unless they also have the 'Add Attachment' permission.  

There is no permission that controls who can download attachments. See our knowledge base article about disabling the download of attachments if you need to do this.

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