What is the new navigation in Confluence?

新しいナビゲーションでは主に、カスタマイズ機能と使いやすさの改善を行いました。ソフトウェア製品のユーザーになじみのあるデザインで、最終的にすべての Atlassian 製品に適合する新しいナビゲーションを作成しています。

Annotated screens of the new navigation in Confluence
  1. See your brand or product, and switch Atlassian sites or apps

  2. Access essentials like For you, Recent, Starred, Spaces and Apps across projects and products

  3. Find More navigation items and Customize sidebar

  4. Quickly access Starred spaces when no spaces are open

  5. Explore the contents of a space when it’s open

  6. Browse available Spaces

  7. Search across all products on your site, and Create content

  8. Use AI Chatand find utility items like Notifications, Settings, and Account


Screenshot of the new navigation in Confluence

Work across multiple spaces straight from the sidebar.

  • For you: A personalized hub with your recently viewed pages alongside popular content, all curated for easy discovery

  • Recent: Pages, blogs, and whiteboards, and other content you’ve visited.

  • Starred: Essential items you’ve marked with a star.


Annotated screenshot of customizing the sidebar in Confluence

Show, reorder, and hide navigation items by going to More () > Customize sidebar.

  1. Customize your sidebar

  2. 行をドラッグしてカスタマイズ

  3. Drag the item or check the checkbox to show, reorder, or hide

    1. Show items: To add items to your sidebar, simply drag them above the Hide from sidebar line.

    2. Hide items: To remove items from your sidebar, drag them below the Hide from sidebar line. Alternatively, drag the Hide from sidebar line above the items you want to hide.

    3. Reorder items: To rearrange the order of items in your sidebar, drag them to your preferred positions.

Use (up and down arrow keys) from your keyboard to reorder items in your sidebar.

Show or hide sidebar

Screens of expanding and collapsing the sidebar in the new navigation

If the sidebar takes up too much space, you can either resize or collapse it. You’ll always be able to expand the sidebar when you need to navigate again.

Tip: Press ] to expand and [ to collapse the sidebar. If you’re editing a page, press Ctrl/Cmd + ] and Ctrl/Cmd + [.

[スペース設定] で更新できます

Space settings in Confluence screenshot

As an admin, you’ll find space settings by selecting More actions () next to a space’s name.


Apps in Confluence

Access both your system and Marketplace apps from the sidebar. Admins can select More actions () next to Apps to find and manage apps.

Manage your rollout (admin only)

This feature is only available when the new navigation reaches your Confluence site but before it’s automatically turned on. Admins will be notified with a banner when this feature becomes available.

When a large change is introduced to your team, proper planning can go a long way. To help your team adapt comfortable to the new navigation, we’ve added a way for admins to control the team’s rollout. Before we turn the new navigation on automatically, admins can:

  • Turn on the new navigation only for themselves

  • Turn on the new navigation for everyone on the Confluence site

Your Confluence site will automatically switch to the new navigation a few weeks after it becomes available to admins, even if no admin has manually turned it on.

To manage your rollout as an admin:

  1. From the top right corner, select Settings () > Configuration.

  2. Go to New features and find New navigation.

  3. Under Turn on just for you, select Turn on.

  4. Test the new navigation yourself and prepare your team.

  5. When you’re ready for your entire team to use the new navigation, select Turn on for everyone.





2025 年 3 月以降、一般提供 (GA) の新しいナビゲーションを段階的かつ慎重に展開しています。



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