Transfer ownership of your content item
When you create a page, whiteboard, database, or Smart Link in the content tree in Confluence, you’re known as both the creator and, by default, the owner.
At any time, you can choose to transfer ownership of your content item to another user. This can be helpful for indicating who should be the “point person” responsible for the content going forward.
It’s not currently possible to transfer ownership of space overview pages or blogs.
You can’t change the owner of a content item while using the Confluence mobile app.
To transfer ownership to someone else, first open the More actions () menu.
The actions available in this menu vary depending on if you’re on a page, whiteboard, database, or Smart Link in the content tree, but the option to change ownership is the same for all.

Select View ownership, then Change owner.
Use the search field to find a new owner by name or email. The new owner must have access to the space and edit access to the item for you to be able to make them the owner.
Once you’ve chosen the correct person, select Change owner to confirm the transfer.
After changing ownership to someone else, you still retain edit access, but won’t be able to change the owner back to yourself (unless you’re also an admin).
Transfer ownership of a page from the byline
For pages, there is an additional way to open the Change owner modal when you want to change the owner.

Next to your own name in the page byline, select () to Manage page ownership.
Select Change owner.
Find and select the new owner, then confirm you want to Change owner.
Confluence space and product admins can also transfer ownership of your content, if needed.
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