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Import multiple Miro boards to Confluence

Who can use this feature

  • Available on all Confluence editions

  • Your team must have a paid Miro license (required for high-quality PDF exports)

  • You must have export permissions in Miro (Miro board owners or team admins can restrict this)

  • Anyone who can create a space in Confluence can bulk import Miro boards (Confluence site admins control space creation permissions)

Moving from another tool can feel overwhelming—we’re here to make it smooth. With bulk import, you can bring multiple Miro boards into Confluence as editable Confluence whiteboards in one go.

Need to import just one or two boards? See the single import guide.

Step 1: Export boards from Miro

Tip: Bulk export support is only available on Miro Enterprise plans. If you’re on a lower plan, manually export boards one at a time. To find the most relevant boards to export, sort and filter boards in your Miro dashboard by date created, viewed, or updated!

Exporting boards in Miro

How to export boards from Miro:

  1. In Miro, open the board you wish to export.

  2. Open the export menu in the top-left corner of the board, then select Save as image.

  3. Select the area of the board that you’d like to export.

  4. Select the Vector option.

  5. Click the Export button.

  6. Repeat this for all boards you want to import.

  7. Compress all PDFs into a ZIP file (PDFs only. Folders are not supported)

For more information on exporting Miro boards, see the Miro support documentation.


Step 2: Import Miro content to Confluence

Tip: Large imports take time. Keep each ZIP file under 100 boards to speed up processing.

How to import boards to Confluence:

  1. In Confluence, go to Spaces > Import from other tools.

  2. Select Miro.

  3. Upload your prepared ZIP file.

  4. Name the new space where your boards will live (importing into existing spaces is not yet supported).

  5. Set space permissions:

    • Restricted to you – Only you can see the boards (boards will appear as created by you).

    • Default space permissions – Uses your organization's default settings (if your import contains private content, we suggest using “Restricted to you” – you can update the restrictions after the import).

Concerned about plan limits or potential billing changes? See the FAQ below.

If you are on a Free or Standard plan, imported whiteboards will be read-only by default. This is to help you stay within your plan’s limits of 3 active whiteboards per use. If you have fewer than 3 active whiteboards, you can make a copy of an imported board later to turn it into an editable, active whiteboard.


Step 3: Transfer Miro users to Confluence (Optional – Available with Miro Enterprise Plan)

You can optionally add Miro workspace members to Confluence during migration. Or, skip this step and add users later from admin.atlassian.com or invite users from Confluence.


  • Miro Enterprise license

  • Miro Account Admin role

  • SSO enabled in Miro

  • Confluence Org or Site Admin role

How to create Confluence accounts for Miro users:

  1. Toggle on Add remaining members to Confluence.

  2. Generate a Miro access token:

    • Go to Miro in your browser. (Make sure you are logged in as an Admin on an Enterprise account)

    • Under the Profile Icon, select Admin Console.

    • Go to Apps and Integrations and select Enterprise Integrations.

    • Toggle on SCIM provisioning and select Generate new token.

    • When Generate new SCIM token dialog opens, select Generate.

  3. Copy and paste the token into Confluence and Submit.

For more information about generating a Miro access token, see Miro support documentation.

How Miro objects import to Confluence whiteboards


Confluence whiteboards

Sticky notes

Sticky notes







Website embeds


Jira cards

Jira Smart Links




Recreated with lines and rectangles








Text in rectangles

Mind maps

Rectangles, lines, and connectors


  • Importing comments is not supported, but you can comment on Confluence whiteboards.

  • Colors will be mapped to the closest Confluence whiteboards colors.

  • Rotated elements will import unrotated.

  • Shapes supported in whiteboards will import as shapes. Shapes that are not supported will import as images.

  • Locked elements will not remain locked when imported, but you can manually lock them in Confluence whiteboards.

  • Talk tracks are not supported in whiteboards.

  • Whiteboards have a 5000 element limit.

  • Importing may take longer than a minute for boards with many elements, large images, or a lot of content.

  • If you are on a Free or Standard plan, imported whiteboards will be read-only by default. This is to help you stay within your plan’s limits of 3 active whiteboards per user. Learn more about Confluence Whiteboard plans and features. If you have fewer than 3 active whiteboards, you can make a copy of an imported board later to turn it into an editable, active whiteboard.


📌 What if I have hundreds of boards and do not want to export them all on my own?

If you're on an Enterprise plan, contact your Customer Success Manager for bulk export options. In the meantime, we are working hard on ways to make bulk export easier for all customers!

📌 Can I just import a board as a static image?

Yes, but not yet via Bulk Import. If you only need a reference image, use single board import If you’d like to import static images in bulk, make a feature suggestion via the Atlassian Support portal (if you are a product administrator).

📌 Are there any limits on how many boards I can import?

Import size is only limited by your Confluence plan's storage limit and Whiteboards limit, but we recommend batching imports (max 100 boards per import) to keep imports efficient. Here are the limits per plan:

  • Premium/Enterprise: Unlimited storage, Unlimited whiteboards

  • Standard: 250GB. If you exceed the storage limits of your Standard/Free plan, we’ll try to offer a free trial of Premium. If not, you’ll have 14 days to reduce storage or convert to a paid plan.

  • Free: 2GB. If you exceed the storage limits of your Standard/Free plan, we’ll try to offer a free trial of Premium. If not, you’ll have 14 days to reduce storage or convert to a paid plan.

📌 Are there limits on how many users I can transfer?

The importer allows you to add as many users as you like, but your Confluence plan’s user limits will still apply:

  • Standard/Premium/Enterprise: Up to 150,000 users

  • Free: 10 users. If you exceed user limits of your Free plan, we’ll try to offer a free trial of Premium. If not, you’ll have 14 days to remove users or convert to a paid plan.

📌 How might importing boards impact my Confluence plan and billing?

  • Premium/Enterprise: No impact

  • Standard: If importing boards causes you to exceed your plan limits of 250GB storage, we will try to offer a free trial of a paid plan that fits your needs. If not, you’ll have 14 days to reduce storage or convert to a paid plan.

  • Free: If importing boards causes you to exceed your plan limits of 10GB storage, we will try to offer a free trial of a paid plan that accommodates your new limits. If not, you’ll have 14 days to remove users or convert to a paid plan.

📌 How might adding Miro users impact my Confluence plan and billing?

  • Enterprise: Input your expected, post-import new user count to our pricing calculator. Make sure to indicate if you are on the annual or monthly plan to get an accurate pricing estimate.

  • Premium/Standard: Go to the Premium user tiering guide or Standard user tiering guide. If you are:

    • On the monthly plan: You pay a dynamic per-user price today. If the user transfer moves you up to a different user count tier, you will pay a new, lower per-user price.

    • On the annual plan: You pay a static annual price for your user tier today. If the user transfer moves you up to a different user count tier, your bill will increase to match that tier.

  • Free: If adding Miro users causes your total user count to exceed the Free plan limit of 10 users, we willl try to offer a free trial of a paid plan that fits your user count. If not, you’ll have 14 days to remove users or convert to a paid plan.

📌 Can I import Miro guests?

No, guest accounts do not transfer. However, you can manually invite guests to a Confluence space from admin.atlassian.com.


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