Who are alert responders?
When alerts are created, Opsgenie answers the question “Who should be notified?” according to the Responders field of the alert. Responders can be any of the following:
Responder users
Groups: When a group is specified for the Responders field, all member users of the group are added as a responder to the alert.
Groups are only available for old plan customers.
Escalations: When an escalation is specified for the Responders field, the corresponding users within the escalation will be added as responders to the alert when the specified time for its rules come. An escalation can be specified for responders field even if the escalation belongs to a team.
Schedules: When a schedule is specified for the Responders field, the on-call users of the schedule will be added as responders to the alert. A schedule can be specified for Responders field even if the schedule belongs to a team.
Responders fields of the alert can be specified/updated in the following ways:
While creating the alert: While the alert is getting created, responders that were specified within the request content are added to the alert if they exist in the account.
Escalations: When the alert is created, all responders in the escalation policy are added to the alert as alert responders. However, they will be notified according to the rules defined in the escalation policy.
User actions: "Add Responder” action add new responders to the alert if the given one exists in the account, whenever a user executes these actions. Learn how to add a responder to an alert.
Users gain visibility for an alert when a configuration that they are a part of (a schedule, a team, an escalation or a group) or the users themselves are added as a responder. If a team is added to an alert, all members of the team gain visibility.
When a team is added as a Responder, team members will be notified according to their escalation policies and routing rules.
If you would like to give visibility just to your teams for specific alerts, you can configure your teams’ Routing Rules accordingly by adding a rule with the matching criteria and routing those alerts to ‘No one’.
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