Integrate Opsgenie with SOASTA
What does Opsgenie offer SOASTA users?
Opsgenie SOASTA integration enables SOASTA mPulse to create alerts in Opsgenie when an alert is created in mPulse.
Functionality of the integration
When an alert is created on SOASTA, an alert is created on Opsgenie automatically through the integration.
Add SOASTA Integration in Opsgenie
If you're using Opsgenie's Free or Essentials plan or if you’re using Opsgenie with Jira Service Management's Standard plan, you can add this integration from your team dashboard only. The Integrations page under Settings is not available in your plan.
Go to Teams and select your team.
Select Integrations on the left navigation and then select Add integration.
Adding the integration from your team dashboard will make your team the owner of the integration. This means Opsgenie will assign the alerts received through this integration to your team only. Follow the rest of the steps in this section to set up the integration.
Go to Settings > Integrations. Search for SOASTA and select Add.
Specify who is notified of SOASTA alerts using the Responders field. Auto-complete suggestions are provided as you type.
Copy the Webhook URL.
Select Save Integration.
Configuration in SOASTA mPulse
In SOASTA mPulse, go to the "Alerts" page and click the New button (+).
Fill out required fields in "The Basics, Choose a Data Event" and "Specify time options for when to monitor the event" sections.
In "Choose an action type(s)" section, click Call Webhook.
Select POST as the "Method" and paste the integration API URL into "URL" field.
Type Content-Type: application/json into "Headers" field.
Copy the content of "Sample Body Field" section in this documentation, and paste it into the "Body" field in SOASTA mPulse.
Drag corresponding attributes from "Attributes" field and drop them in-between the corresponding quotes.
Click Save.
Sample payloads sent from SOASTA to Opsgenie
"alert_name": "Simple Alert",
"severity": "MEDIUM",
"app_name": "Opsgenie",
"beacon_count": "3",
"bounce_rate": "9",
"network_error_rate": "12",
"page_load_time": "152 ms",
"dns_resolution_time": "81 ms",
"dom_load_time": "51 ms",
"dom_ready_time": "3 ms",
"back_end_time": "356 ms",
"ssl_time": "71 ms",
"front_end_time": "1251 ms",
"tcp_time": "20 ms"
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