Set up an action channel with AWS Simple Notification
AWS Simple Notification Services option offers publishing messages on SNS topics via Opsgenie Actions. AWS SNS channel can be configured to trigger a topic within Opsgenie actions.
Channel Configuration
Go to the Actions tab under the Team dashboard.
Click Add Action Channel.
3. Enter the name of action channel and select AWS Simple Notification Services as the type.
4. Designate your AWS Account ID, AWS Region and AWS SNS Topic.
To configure AWS SNS Topic for an AWS SNS Action channel, you may use CloudFormation Template created by the link on AWS Topic Name input. If you would like to assign an existing SNS topic for Opsgenie actions, please make sure that your SNS topic allow Opsgenie to publish messages. Opsgenie AWS account ID can be obtained from the CloudFormation template.
5. Click Create.
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