Add, invite, update, and delete users
Invite new users into your account via Users page or User API. Please note: the limit to the number of users is defined according to a subscription plan.
Only owners, admins or users with administrative rights can access Users page. Refer to the User Roles page for further information about user roles.
Adding a new user with the Users page
Open the Users page by selecting Users from the settings menu.
Click the Add User button in the top right corner of the section where existing users are listed.
Enter the e-mail address of the user in the "E-mail" field. Please note: this e-mail address is used as the username of the user and should be unique across all accounts. E-mail addresses can not exceed 100 characters.
Enter the name of the user in the "Name" field.
Select the role of the user from the drop-down list under "Select Role". Please note: only account owners can add another account owner. Refer to User Roles for further information.
To add multiple users at the same time, click the Invite More button.
Click Add to add users and send invitation e-mails to them.
Opsgenie sends an invitation e-mail to the e-mail address of each added user. Users need to accept the invitation by clicking the Activate Your Account link in the e-mail address to log into Opsgenie apps and to receive alert notifications.
Only owners, admins and users with Edit Configuration rights can add new users or update existing ones.Re-Sending an Invitation Email
If somehow the invitation e-mail was not received by the user or the invitation e-mail expired (2 days after the invitation time), re-send the invitation e-mail. Re-send the invitation email for a user who is not verified by hovering over the user on the Users page and clicking Send Invitation, which is available under the "Status" column.
Searching Users
Users are listed via Users Page or User API. Opsgenie provides the ability to use search queries to filter the users while listing them. Please note: using a search query while listing the users is not mandatory and using an empty search query (or not using at all) means that users will not be filtered while listing them. Refer to User Search Queries for further information.
Use the search bar on the top of the page to write a search query and press Enter to list the users that match the given query.
To save the search query to re-use it later, click Save from the top right corner. If Save is clicked, a dialogue box appears to enter a name and a description to save the query. Please note: the name field is mandatory while saving a user search query.
The list of saved user-search queries is displayed on the left side of the Users Page. Opsgenie also provides many Predefined Search Queries to be used while filtering users. Click a saved-search query in the list and the query of the saved-search is used immediately to list and filter matching users. A delete button is available when a configured search query is hovered over. Click this button to delete a saved search added previously.
Updating users
Users are updated via either web UI or User API. Users update their own settings (Username, Password, Name/Surname, Locale, Time Zone, Skype username, Address, etc.) via their Profile page.
Updating Your Own Profile
Updating Username
To update your username, click the Change e-mail button at the end of your Login e-mail (Username).
Write the new desired e-mail address to set as your new login e-mail, and click OK.
Changing Password
Click Change password button at the end of your Login e-mail.
Write the old and new passwords into the related fields, and click OK.
Editing Profile Details
Click Edit Profile in the top right corner.
Update the following profile details by writing into the related field:
Full Name (Name, Surname)
Skype Username
Time Zone
Address Line
Zip Code
Custom Properties
Updating Other Users
Owners, admins, and users with edit configuration rights can update other users' login e-mails, profile details, and roles.
To update profile details, click the desired user to update. The Profile page of the clicked user opens. Update the login e-mail and profile details the same way as updating your own.
Click on the role of the user to update a user's role. Select the desired role from the drop-down list that displays all roles including the custom roles (if any).
Only account owners and admins can update their own and other users' roles. In other words, even if a user is granted with Edit Configuration right via a custom role, s/he is not able to manage roles.
Account owners manage the roles of all users. However, account admins cannot manage the roles of owners.
Only account owners can update a user's role as Owner.
Deleting users
Users are deleted via Users page and User API. To delete a user in Users page, hover over the status column of the user and click Delete.
The deleted users list can be seen via the Deleted Users switch on the Users Page. Click a deleted user to see their details.
If you have merged Opsgenie with Jira Service Management, deleting a user will revoke their license to both products. So, if you remove users from Opsgenie, they’ll be removed from Jira Service Management and vice versa.
When deleting a user an error may pop up, saying that the user cannot be deleted.
The error message means that the user cannot be deleted because he/she is currently part of escalations and schedules. The reason why this user is not automatically removed from any escalation or schedule is to ensure that there is someone designated to replace the "removed user". Imagine if the user is automatically removed, and no one was aware that they were part of a critical escalation/schedule. This is a problem and our goal is to prevent missed alerts.
The error message specifies which schedules and escalation this user is part of, so the next step is to go find them in those places.
If they are in an Escalation...think about:
Is it important to replace this user?
Who will take this user's spot?
What do I want to accomplish with this escalation step?
Please NOTE: If they are in a schedule/rotation, be aware that removing a user causes the schedule to shift since a rotation has a Start Date and the order of users matters.
A) To remove the user from the rotation, have a placeholder (using the No-One user) or replace them with an actual user.
First, go to the rotation and click the pen (edit icon) to edit the rotation.
Second, delete the desired user (Elena Morrison) by clicking on the X and then searching for the actual user to replace him or use the placeholder (no-one).
Third, once the user or placeholder is defined, move them to the same spot that Elena previously held. The final result keeps the rotation intact since users were simply switched.
B) To remove the user from the rotation completely.
Clone the current rotation, remove the user from the list of participants, and set the start date to today's date.
Lastly, make sure to Delete or End the old rotation.
Only account owners and admins can delete users. In other words, even if a user is granted with Delete Configuration right via a custom role, s/he will not be able to delete users.
Account owners can delete any user. However, account admins can not delete owners.
Each account should have at least 1 owner. Therefore, you can not delete a user if s/he is the only owner of the account.
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