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View global API usage analytics

1- API Usage Analytics

This dashboard gives insight into total API calls, active integrations, and the daily usage over a time period. The APIs counted are Alert API, Configuration API, Heartbeat API, and Integration action API.

Filter the chart by teams and date created.


  • Daily API usage
    The total calls made per day segregated based on different API types over the time period selected by the date filter.

  • API usage last hour

    The number of times an API request was made to the related domain segregated by different API types over the last hour.

  • API usage last day
    The number of times an API request was made to the related domain segregated by different API types over the last 24-hours.

  • API usage last week
    The number of times an API request was made to the related domain segregated by different API types over the last 7 days.

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