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Configure Okta SSO

Okta is an identity management tool. It helps IT organizations scale and secure their user base easily, across different platforms. Opsgenie supports Single Sign-On with Okta, which means your organization can easily incorporate Opsgenie into your application base in Okta and let your users securely access Opsgenie.

For general information about Opsgenie's Single Sign-On feature, refer to the Single Sign-On with Opsgenie document. This document describes the specific instructions you can use to integrate Okta with Opsgenie SSO.

To configure Single Sign-On integration between your Okta and Opsgenie accounts, go to Opsgenie SSO page, select "Okta" as provider and follow the instructions.

Okta Integration Instructions

  • In Okta, go to Admin Dashboard.

An image showing how to redirect to the Admin dashboard in an Okta account.
  • Under Shortcuts tab from the left click Add Applications.

  • Type Opsgenie to the search bar and click Add on the drop down menu.

An image showing the Okta search bar.
  • Paste the URL in Opsgenie SSO page into Post Back URL and click Next.

An image showing where to paste the Opsgenie URL in an Okta account to activate SSO.
  • Finish saving the app. Remember to assign the app to your users.

  • Now in the opening Application page under Sign On tab, click View Setup Instructions.

  • In the opening window, copy the url in the SAML 2.0 Endpoint field.

An image showing where to enter SAML for Opsgenie's Okta SSO settings.
  • In Opsgenie, paste the url into SAML 2.0 Endpoint field.

  • In Okta, copy the content of *X.509 Certificate

An image showing a sample x509 certificate for Opsgenie's Okta settings for SSO.
  • In Opsgenie, paste the certificate into X.509 Certificate field.

  • Click Apply SSO Settings.

That's all! Now you and your users can access Opsgenie from Okta directly.

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