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Close or delete an incident

Close an Incident

The Closed state is conclusive, indicating that all necessary actions have been taken. Once closed, an incident’s only available action is to delete. Recipients will be notified when an incident is closed. The alias of the closed incident will also be invalidated, meaning the closed incident won't be able to be queried using its alias. Closing an incident closes all underlying Responder Alerts.

When an incident is closed or resolved, Opsgenie's Post Incident Analysis Reports can be accessed by clicking into the details of the closed/resolved incident. This feature has to be enabled for certain plans, so contact support with any questions.

Delete an Incident

Delete the Incident. It cannot be viewed once deleted, but the incident log will still exist.

Responder and Associated Alerts

When an incident is deleted:

  • Responder alerts are also deleted.

  • Nothing happens to Associated alerts, i.e., they remain at their current state.

When an incident is closed:

  • Responder alerts are also closed.

  • Nothing happens to Associated alerts, i.e., they remain at their current state.

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