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Integrate Opsgenie with CA Flowdock Team Inbox

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What does Opsgenie have to offer for CA Flowdock users?

The integration enables CA Flowdock users to forward Opsgenie alert activity to CA Flowdock. Users are notified when alerts are created, acknowledged, assigned and closed without leaving CA Flowdock.

Functionality of the integration

  • When an alert is created, closed, acknowledged, assigned, a note is added or deleted in Opsgenie, regarding information is seen in the inbox in CA Flowdock.

Configure CA Flowdock (Team Inbox) Integration

This integration is only available with Standard and Enterprise plans in Opsgenie, and Premium and Enterprise plans in Jira Service Management.

Adding the integration from your team dashboard will make your team the owner of the integration. This means Opsgenie will assign the alerts received through this integration to your team only. Follow the rest of the steps in this section to set up the integration.

  1. Login to your Flowdock and select Integrations from left panel.

CA Flowdock Team Inbox integration

2. Find Opsgenie and select Add new source under the box.

CA Flowdock Team Inbox

3. Give authorization to CA Flowdock to add Opsgenie.

CA Fowdock Team Inbox authorization

4. After giving authorization you’ll be redirected to Opsgenie’s Add CA Flowdock Integration page.

5. Configure the integration.

6. Select Save Integration.

CA Flowdock Team Inbox integration

All set! Now when an Opsgenie alert is created, acknowledged, closed or snoozed, the update information will be automatically forwarded to your CA Flowdock group chat as inbox messages.


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