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Integrate Opsgenie with StruxureWare Data Center Expert

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What does Opsgenie offer StruxureWare Data Center Expert users?

Use Opsgenie’s StruxureWare Data Center Expert Integration you can forward StruxureWare Data Center Expert alerts to Opsgenie. Opsgenie determines the right people to notify based on on-call schedules– notifies via email, text messages (SMS), phone calls and iPhone & Android push notifications, and escalates alerts until the alert is acknowledged or closed.

Functionality of the integration

  • When an alert is created in StruxureWare Data Center Expert, it creates an alert in Opsgenie.

Add StruxureWare Data Center Expert Integration in Opsgenie

If you're using Opsgenie's Free or Essentials plan or if you’re using Opsgenie with Jira Service Management's Standard plan, you can add this integration from your team dashboard only. The Integrations page under Settings is not available in your plan.

  1. Go to Teams and select your team.

  2. Select Integrations on the left navigation and then select Add integration.

Adding the integration from your team dashboard will make your team the owner of the integration. This means Opsgenie will assign the alerts received through this integration to your team only. Follow the rest of the steps in this section to set up the integration.

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations. Search for StruxureWare Data Center Expert and select Add

  2. Specify who is notified of StruxureWare Data Center Expert alerts using the Responders field. Autocomplete suggestions are provided as you type.

  3. Copy the Webhook URL.

  4. Select Save Integration.

Configuration in StruxureWare Data Center Expert

  1. Create an Alert Action to use "Send HTTP Post" alert notifications in StruxureWare Data Center Expert.

  2. Double-click the Alert Actions icon.

  3. Click Add... to open the "Add Alert Action" window.

  4. Select "Send HTTP Post" and click OK.

  5. Enter a name for this alert action in the "Alert action name" field.

  6. Select the language and territory using the "Locales" drop-down list.

  7. Enter the maximum number of available images included with the generated data in "Maximum Camera Pictures".

  8. Check "Include a graph with the alert" to include a graph of the sensor values associated with the alert in the data.

  9. Check "Include a sound clip with the alert" to include audio captured by the camera pod in the data.

  10. Check "Include Related Maps with the Alert" to include maps showing the sensor that generated the alert action.

  11. Specify "Advanced Scheduling" (optional). By default, all Alert Actions are active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Specify an Alert Action to be activated only when alert conditions occur during specific time ranges. To configure Advanced Scheduling:

    • Click Advanced Scheduling.

    • By default, all time periods are "Enabled". Click-and-drag to highlight the time range, and click Disable to disable the alert action. Click-and-drag to highlight the time range, and click Enable to enable a disabled time range.

  • Click OK to save the schedule and return to the "Add Alert Action" window.

12. Check the alert Severities that apply to buttons to be activated.

13. Paste the Webhook URL copied previously from Opsgenie’s integration page into Target URL in the Basic tab.

14. Type Opsgenie to the "Target User ID" field and 123 to the "Target Password" field under the "Basic" tab. The values in the Target User ID and Target Password fields have no effect on the integration.

15. In the "Advanced" tab, enter the backup information for the "Target URL", and enter any "SSL verification options" in SSL Verify Options.

16. Click OK to save this Alert Action.

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