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View the status of a service

What is a service status page?

A service status page is where a user can track an incident that might be impacting service and follow the progress of the incident. If not restricted by a custom role, any type of user can access the service status page, including stakeholders.

To view a service status page;

  • Go to Services from the top navigation menu,

  • Search for the relevant service and select the service.


The Service status tab shows all the incidents that have impacted the service and the latest status of those incidents.

If you notice a disruption or experience a problem with a service, select Problem reporting button to create a report. A problem report creates an alert and notifies the owner team of that service. Learn more about problem reporting.

If you want to get notified when an incident occurs on this service, or an incident receives an update, select Watch this service button from the ellipsis menu.

Watch this service

Service responders and users with the relevant authority can;

  • Create and edit the service name, service description, and tags

  • Create service relationships

  • Create an incident on the service

  • Watch or subscribe teams to this service


Changing an owner team

When creating a service on Opsgenie, it's necessary to assign an owner team. However, service responders that have the relevant authority can edit or remove the owner team later.

To remove an owner team;

  • Hover over the owner team and select x button,

  • We'll ask for your confirmation. Select Remove to confirm.

Removing an owner team will:

Permanently delete all incident rules applied to this service (This is an irreversible action).Prevent users from reporting new problems.Prevent Opsgenie from notifying responders and stakeholders if the service is selected as an impacted service in case of an incident.

Then, to assign a new owner team;

  • Select Assign owner team button,

  • Search for a team, and select Add button.

Assign owner team

Go to Status Page Reference to find out more about generating a custom service status page.


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