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Learn user roles and permissions

Default User Roles

Opsgenie provides four default roles that can be assigned to users:

  • Owner

  • Admin

  • Default User

  • Stakeholder

The limit to the number of owners, admins and default users is defined according to the subscription plan and these roles are available to all accounts. On the other hand, stakeholder role is only available for Enterprise plans.

User Right



Default User


Manage Subscription




Manage Roles



Manage All Users(1)



Update team name and description



Access/Create/Edit/Delete All Configurations(2)



Display All On-Call Users


Access All Alerts



Delete Alerts



Manage Account Settings(3)



Access Reporting



Access Account Logs



Create Alerts


Perform Alert Actions


Manage Own Notification Rules


Manage Own Quiet Hours and Mute


Receive Alert Notifications


Update Service Status Page Entries


View Service Status Pages

Receive Stakeholder Notifications

Manage Own Profile Settings

Manage Own Contacts


(1) Including notification preferences, contacts, quiet hours and mute state
(2) Teams, Escalation, Schedules, Integrations, Policies, Maintenance, Heartbeats, Central Notification Templates
(3) Account Time Zone, Account Locale, Security Settings, Single Sign-On


Owners are the users that have the account ownership. Each account should have at least one owner and can have multiple owners. Owners are able to manage the account subscription settings and billing. Furthermore, Opsgenie sends subscription and payment related update e-mails to account owners.

Opsgenie assigns account ownership to the user that signs up for an Opsgenie account automatically. After then, only owners can manage assigning the owner role.


Admins are able to manage any kind of account setting, configuration, and users (except owners). However, admins can not manage account subscription settings. There is no limit to the number of admins that an account can have.

Default User

Default users can only access the configurations that they're part of, and they can only access the alerts that they're granted with visibility. In other words, default users can manage the settings that will only affect themselves.


Stakeholders are only able to manage their own profile settings and contacts, and view the Service Status Pages. Stakeholders can be considered as read-only users and they can only receive stakeholder notifications for the incidents, and notifications. Because they can't receive alert notifications, a stakeholder user cannot be a part of a team, an escalation or a schedule.

Custom User Roles

You can customize the capabilities of the users in Opsgenie by granting or disgranting the user rights of your choice using Custom User Roles. Please note: that custom user roles are only available for Standard and Enterprise plans.

The following table shows the user rights that can be customized via custom roles:

User Right


Read Only Admin Right

Read-only access to all configurations and settings that an Admin can access (except for integrations managed by other teams).

Edit Configuration

Ability to access and edit all configurations and settings that Admins are capable of (except maintenance and managing roles).

Delete Configuration

Ability to delete all configurations and settings (except custom user roles and maintenance).

Access to Logs Page

Ability to access account logs via Logs Page.

Access to Analytics

Ability to access Reporting and Analytics Overview page.

Access to Service Status Page

Ability to access Service Status Pages (if Service-Aware Incident Management is available).

Create Incident

Ability to create a new incident (if Service-Aware Incident Management is available).

Edit Contacts

Ability to add, edit and delete own contacts.

Edit Custom Profile Details and Tags

Ability to edit profile tags and custom properties.

Edit Notification Rules

Ability to add, edit and delete own notification rules.

Edit Profile

Ability to edit own time zone, locale, username, etc.

Edit Quiet Hours

Ability to edit quiet hours settings.

Manage Billing

Ability to manage subscription settings of the account.

See All Alerts

Ability to see all alerts, even if the user were not notified or granted with visibility.

Update Maintenance

Ability to update the already created/planned Maintenance Policies

Who Is On-Call - Show All

Ability to display on-call users of all schedules, even if the user is not a part of them.

Create Alert

Ability to create a new alert.

Acknowledge Alert

Ability to acknowledge an alert that is visible to the user.

Close Alert

Ability to close an alert that is visible to the user.

Add Note to Alert

Ability to add note to an alert that is visible to the user.

Delete Alert

Ability to delete an alert that is visible to the user.

Attach to Alert

Ability to add a file as an attachment to an alert that is visible to the user.

Delete Attachment from Alert

Ability to delete an attachment from an alert that is visible to the user.

UnAcknowledge Alert

Ability to unacknowledge an alert that is visible to the user.


Ability to snooze an alert that is visible to the user.

Escalate to Next

Ability to escalate an alert that is visible to the user to next level.

Take Ownership

Ability to take ownership of an alert that is visible to the user.


Ability to assign an alert that is visible to the user to another user.

Add Recipient

Ability to add a new recipient to an alert that is visible to the user.

Add Team

Ability to add a new team to an alert that is visible to the user.

Edit Tags

Ability to add a new tag to or to remove an existing tag from an alert that is visible to the user.

Edit Details

Ability to add a new detail to or remove an existing detail from an alert that is visible to the user.

Execute Custom Actions

Ability to execute custom actions on an alert that is visible to the user.

Acknowledge All

Ability to execute Acknowledge All action on the alerts that are visible to the user.

Close All

Ability to execute Close All action on the alerts that are visible to the user.

Add Stakeholder

Ability to add stakeholders when creating an incident (if Service-Aware Incident Management is available).

Add Responder

Ability to add responders when creating an alert (if IService-Aware Incident Management is available)


Ability to resolve an incident that is visible to the user (if Service-Aware Incident Management is available).


Ability to reopen an incident that is visible to the user (if Service-Aware Incident Management is available).

Creating New Custom User Roles

When you switch to the Roles segment in the Users page, existing custom roles will be listed. To create a new custom role:

  1. Click the Add Role button in the top of the page.

  2. If Stakeholder role is available to your account, select a default role as the base role to extend. If not, the base role will automatically be assigned as Default User role.

  3. Write a name for the custom role into the Role name field.

  4. Tick the user rights that you want to grant the users with this role, and un-tick the user rights that you want to prevent the users with this role.

  5. Click the Add button to save the custom role.

If you select Stakeholder role as the base role, only Access to Service Status Page, Edit Contacts and Edit Profile user rights will be available to customize.

Editing or Deleting User Roles

When you hover over an existing custom role in the list, Delete and Edit actions will be available.

A screenshot showing where to find the delete button in Opsgenie's roles page.

Team specific roles

In addition to the user roles that are applied all across the account, there are also team specific roles that are applied only across the team that the user is assigned for. Team specific roles can grant a user with additional team-related user rights. There are two team specific roles:

  • Team Admin

  • Team Member

Team Related Right

Team Admin

Team Member

Add / Remove Team Members


Access and Manage All Team Members' Profiles


Create/Edit/Delete Routing Rules of the Team


Create/Edit/Delete Escalations for the Team


Create/Edit/Delete Schedules for the Team


Create/Edit/Delete Integrations for the Team


Access Team's Dashboard

Access Escalations, Schedules and Integrations of the Team

Access All Alerts of the Team

When a team admin without global Edit Configuration user right creates a new escalation, schedule or integration, created configuration will automatically be assigned to the team that the user is admin for. You can refer to the Teams and Team Segmentation for further information about the teams and their configurations.

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