View team on-call times per user
User On-Call Times
Gives an in-depth look at the on-call times of a specific team selected over a time period, by breaking it down to schedules and time intervals.
Filter all charts by user, schedule, rotation, and date.
Hourly distribution of total on call times
Sum of on-call durations spread across the hours of a day. It’s essentially the total on-call times for all members of the team for each hour of the day.Daily distribution of total on call times
Sum of on-call durations spread across the days of a week. It’s essentially the total on-call times for all members of the team for each day of the week.On call times
Shows the total non-overlapping (distinct) on-call time and total overlapped on-call time for the users in the selected team.On-call times per schedule
Gives information on the user's total distinct on-call time for each schedule of the team selected. The distinct on-call time is calculated after discarding overlapping rotations within a schedule. Hover over the percentage to view the total on-call hours of the user for a particular schedule.On-call segmentation
Gives the on-call segments for each team member and the schedules during which they were on call. All of the schedules that the user is in is combined in one single bar graph.
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