View global incoming call routing data
This dashboard shows data for the incoming calls routed globally for a specified time period, insights into overall incoming call routing, and the individual users who handled the calls.
You can filter all charts by from (number), to (number)priority, status, and date.
Number of incoming calls by date
Based on the selected date in the filter, this bar graph shows the total number of incoming calls routed per day during a selected time frame. each bar for a list of the alerts for that day to see the details which are the same as the Incoming Call Details listed below.Incoming call details
This shows the details of incoming calls with the call date, duration, the user who answered and all necessary data describing the call. This includes include call date, from (number), to (number), status of the call (whether it was answered or a message was left behind), call duration, duration to answer the call, the user who answered it, and the number of users called.Incoming call usage per user
This shows the aggregated details of incoming call usage for each user. This includes the number of calls answered, the number of calls missed, the total number of calls, and the total answer duration.
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