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Search queries for alerts

Watch Searching Alerts Within Opsgenie on Youtube for a helpful explanation of searching alerts in Opsgenie.

You can use field:value combination with most of alert fields.



createdAt : 1470394841148

Unix timestamp in milliseconds format. (1470394841148 -> Fri, 05 Aug 2016 11:00:41.148 GMT)

createdAt : 15-05-2020

DD-MM-YYYY time format.

lastOccurredAt : 1470394841148

Unix timestamp in milliseconds format. (1470394841148 -> Fri, 05 Aug 2016 11:00:41.148 GMT)

snoozedUntil : 1470394841148

Unix timestamp in milliseconds format. (1470394841148 -> Fri, 05 Aug 2016 11:00:41.148 GMT)

alertId : b9a2fb13-1b76-4b41-be28-eed2c61978fa

Id of the alert.

tinyId : 28

Short id assigned to the alert. Be careful, using this field is not recommended because it rolls.

alias : host_down

Alias of the alert to be retrieved. Using alias will only retrieve an open alert with that alias if it exists.

count : 5

If any source attempts to create a new alert where there is an open alert with the given alias, the count value of the open alert will be increased by one instead of creating another alert.

message : Server apollo average


description : Monitoring tool is reporting that the


source : john.smith@opsgenie.com


entity : entity1


status : open

open | closed

owner : john.smith@opsgenie.com

Opsgenie Username

acknowledgedBy : john.smith@opsgenie.com

Opsgenie Username

closedBy: john.smith@opsgenie.com

Opsgenie Username

recipients : john.smith@opsgenie.com

Opsgenie Username

isSeen : true

true | false

acknowledged : true

true | false

snoozed : false

true | false

teams : team1

Name of the team.

integration.name : "API Integration"

Name of the integration.

integration.type : API

Type of the integration.

tag : EC2


actions : start


details.key : Impact


details.value : External


detailsPair (error : errormessage)


Condition operators

In addition of : exact match operator; you can also use <<=, > and >= operators.


count > 5

count <= 4

lastOccurredAt < 1470394841148

Logical operators

Combine multiple value(s) by using AND and OR operators. Just don't forget to wrap them with ( ) parentheses.



message: (lorem OR ipsum)

message field contains "lorem" or "ipsum"

description: (lorem AND ipsum)

description field contains both "lorem" and "ipsum"

Also you can combine multiple condition(s) by using AND and OR operators.


message: lorem AND count >= 3

message: (lorem OR ipsum) AND count >= 3

status: open AND (count >= 3 OR entity:lipsum)

Use the NOT search query to disqualify search results for a certain value.



NOT message: lorem

message field does not contain lorem

NOT status: open

status of alert results are not open, i.e, closed or resolved


Using asterisk (*) as a wildcard

Wildcards can only be used after characters and will only match from the start of character sequences. Character sequences need to be separated by a space for the wildcard to try and match to each sequence of characters.


Let’s say you’re looking for an alert where the Alert message field starts with "lorem" but you cannot remember the rest of the message.

Type the following in the search box:

message: lorem*

This will search for character sequences beginning with “lorem” in the Alert message field and list the matching results.

In your results, the wildcard might appear as a character sequence on its own, or it might be the beginning of a sequence:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor

  • Loremipsum123

  • qui do Lorem ipsum

However, your search won’t match if the wildcard is in the middle of a character sequence:

  • qui dolorem ipsum

In other words, the wildcard should be at the beginning of a character sequence or should be separate to be found with an asterisk.


Wildcards are not supported for teams and users. This means that you can't use an asterisk (*) while searching alerts with a team name or a user name. Enter the full name of your team or user to get the correct results.

Null Queries

Null queries can be used to list alerts which contain, or do not contain, a field. Please note that, a field is considered null, if it is not set or if it is blank.

Null query supported fields: source, entity, tag, actions, owner, teams, acknowledgedBy, closedBy, recipients, details.key, details.value, integration.name, integration.type.


owner : null

teams is null

details.key is not null

tag !: null

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