Perform bulk actions on alerts
On the Alerts page, select one or multiple alerts for bulk actions to be taken. This includes all available actions from the details page of an alert, aside from executing custom alert actions. The advantage of the alerts page is the ability to execute these actions on multiple alerts. It is possible, for example, to select multiple alerts and acknowledge or close them all with a single button.
Similarly, the options to "Ack all" and "Close all" are accessible via the left sidebar.
Ack All
"Ack All" button acknowledges all alerts with a single action. Upon clicking and confirming the prompt, Opsgenie starts an asynchronous process that assigns ownership of every open alert to the user completing the action.
Close All
"Close All" button closes all alerts with a single action. Upon clicking and confirming the prompt, Opsgenie starts an asynchronous process that closes every open alert.
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