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Run Opsgenie Edge Connector

On Linux

  • Following commands start, stop and restart OEC:


sudo systemctl start oec sudo systemctl stop oec sudo systemctl restart oec
  • Example usage with environment variables:


sudo systemctl set-environment OEC_CONF_SOURCE_TYPE=git sudo systemctl set-environment OEC_CONF_GIT_URL=git@gitlab.com:metehan2/test-private-conf.git sudo systemctl set-environment OEC_CONF_GIT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILEPATH=~/.ssh/id_rsa sudo systemctl set-environment OEC_CONF_GIT_FILEPATH=~/oec/config.json sudo systemctl start oec



sudo systemctl set-environment OEC_CONF_SOURCE_TYPE=local sudo systemctl set-environment OEC_CONF_LOCAL_FILEPATH=~/opsgenie/oec/config.json sudo systemctl start oec


Older RHEL based distributions (6.x.x and older)


sudo service oec start sudo service oec stop sudo service oec restart # Environment variables can be put in bash configuration files


On Windows

SIGINT and SIGTERM signals are used to stop OEC. It is not possible to stop/restart OEC via native methods of Windows while using OEC as a service. It is provided a helper executable to run OEC as a service.

  • Environment variables(Env) and arguments(Args) can be set via oecService<32|64>.json like following:


{ "Name": "OEC Service", "DisplayName": "OEC Service", "Description": "Run the OEC Service", "OECPath" : "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\OpsgenieEdgeConnector<32|64>.exe", "Args" : ["-oec-metrics", "7070"], "Env": [ "OEC_CONF_LOCAL_FILEPATH=C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\config.json", "OEC_CONF_SOURCE_TYPE=local" ], "Stderr": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\oecErr.log", "Stdout": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\oecOut.log" }
  • Following commands start, stop and restart OEC amd64 version:


oecService64.exe start oecService64.exe stop oecService64.exe restart
  • Following commands start, stop and restart OEC 386 version:


oecService32.exe start oecService32.exe stop oecService32.exe restart


Running OEC With Docker

  1. Clone the repository with git clone https://github.com/opsgenie/OEC.git

  2. Run docker build . -t oec

  3. Since OEC uses configuration files to run, you need to provide volumes to Docker container so that the files are accessible from the container. You also need to provide environment variables explained above to the container. Here is an example command to run docker container:


docker run -ti \ -v /Users/foo/Documents/bar:/home/opsgenie \ -e OEC_CONF_SOURCE_TYPE="local" \ -e OEC_CONF_LOCAL_FILEPATH="/home/opsgenie/OEC.yaml" \ OEC

Above command runs the container with two environment variables and creates a volume between “bar” folder in host machine and “opsgenie” folder in the container.

Since you are using docker container to run OEC, you need to give the file paths according to the container not to host machine.

If you want to use the configuration from your repository, you need to add your ssh_known_hosts file to image by using a volume. You may also need to set SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS environment variable to your ssh_know_hosts file path in the image. Below is an example command to run OEC with using configuration file from a repository. The command also creates additional volume to access the log files from the host machine.


docker run -ti \ -v /Users/erenkizilay/Documents/dummyDir:/home/opsgenie \ -v /Users/erenkizilay/Documents/dummyDir:/var/log/opsgenie \ -v /Users/erenkizilay/.ssh/known_hosts:/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts \ -e OEC_CONF_SOURCE_TYPE="git" -e OEC_CONF_GIT_FILEPATH=/config.json \ -e OEC_CONF_GIT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILEPATH=/var/log/opsgenie/id_rsa \ -e OEC_CONF_GIT_URL=git@gitlab.com:erenkizilay/OEC-conf.git \ -e SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS=/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts \ OEC

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