Integrate Opsgenie with Munin
What does Opsgenie have to offer Munin users?
Stay connected when mobile
Use Opsgenie to receive Munin notifications for critical alerts via SMS, phone calls, and iPhone & Android push notifications, and to respond to the alerts directly from mobile devices using Opsgenie apps. Since Opsgenie is a cloud-based service accessible anywhere, users don't have to have access to the corporate network (which is often) to be able to work with Munin alerts.
Consolidated alert & notification management
Munin users leverage Opsgenie to aggregate and manage alerts not only from Munin but also from other sources. Opsgenie enables users to maintain their own notifications information and preferences, eliminating the burden to keep this information current and accurate in multiple disparate tools.
Alert lifecycle management
For Munin users, an Opsgenie integration provides full alert lifecycle management capabilities. Use Opsgenie users not only receive notifications for critical problems detected by Munin, but also acknowledge alerts, take or assign ownership of the alerts, comment on them, etc. rapidly no matter when and where they may receive the alerts. Opsgenie keeps track of all alert activity seamlessly: when the alert is created, who is notified when and how, whether and when recipients have seen the alert, acknowledged it, who executes which action, etc. Opsgenie also automatically closes alerts when the host/service comes back up.
Alerts that empower
A short text message (SMS) typically used to notify users often fails to convey sufficient information to enable the recipients to assess the problem and determine the right course of action. Opsgenie alerts are not limited to couple hundred characters of text, include many fields, tags, and attached files. Recipients not only see the alert message but all the supporting information, charts, etc. and figure out what to do next. Attach relevant information to the alert and make it available to the recipients, either via the API or the web UI.
Opsgenie provides a number of easy to use integration methods (email, API, command line tools, programming libraries, etc.) to ensure all monitoring tools integrated with Opsgenie have an easy setup and Munin has a very flexible action and notification engine capable of forwarding alerts in number of different ways, hence integration is straightforward.
Munin delivers alerts via email. Use Opsgenie’s email integration to forward Munin alerts to Opsgenie to notify users. Munin documentation describes how to configure Munin email alerts. Opsgenie process these emails, creates alerts in Opsgenie and notifies users as described here.
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