Integrate Opsgenie with Jira Service Management Cloud
What you can do with Opsgenie and Jira Service Management Cloud integration?
Opsgenie has a specific update set that allows a bi-directional integration between Opsgenie and Jira Service Management Cloud. You can use this integration to have Jira Service Management Cloud send requests to Opsgenie with detailed information. Opsgenie forwards alerts as requests to Jira Service Management Cloud. Opsgenie determines the right people to notify based on on-call schedules, notifies them via email, text messages (SMS), phone calls, and iOS & Android push notifications, and escalates alerts until the alert is acknowledged or closed.
Some of the things you can do with this integration are:
Automatically create Opsgenie alerts when Jira Service Management Cloud requests are created
Automatically close Opsgenie alerts when Jira Service Management Cloud requests are marked as Done
Automatically add notes to Opsgenie alerts when comments are added to the Jira request
When Send alert updates to Jira Service Management is selected, the integration executes a Jira action in the user's Jira account with the designated Opsgenie alert action. Alert must be created previously by a trigger from Jira Service Management Cloud.
When Create and update Jira Service Management requests with Opsgenie alerts that are created by other integrations is selected, the integration creates a request in Jira from the Opsgenie alerts created by third-party tools and executes a Jira action in the user's Jira Service Management Cloud account with the designated Opsgenie alert action.
Add a new Jira Service Management Cloud integration
If you're using Opsgenie's Free or Essentials plan or if you’re using Opsgenie with Jira Service Management's Standard plan, you can add this integration from your team dashboard only. The Integrations page under Settings is not available in your plan.
Go to Teams and select your team.
Select Integrations on the left navigation and then select Add integration.
Adding the integration from your team dashboard will make your team the owner of the integration. This means Opsgenie will assign the alerts received through this integration to your team only. Follow the rest of the steps in this section to set up the integration.
To create a new integration:
From your Opsgenie account go to Settings > Integrations.
Select Add integration.
Search for Jira Service Management Cloud and select the integration marked as New.
On the create screen, enter an Integration name.
If you want a specific team to receive alerts from that integration, select Assigned to team.
If you have a connected Atlassian site, we’ll show it in the Connection field. If you don’t have a connected Atlassian site learn how to connect Opsgenie with Jira Service Management Cloud.
Integrations are created with projects. Select the Jira Service Management Cloud project you want to integrate with Opsgenie. If you want to integrate Opsgenie with another project, you can create another integration.
Select Save.
Now that your base settings are done, you can start creating rules for this integration. Opsgenie offers two rule sets:
Incoming automation rules are used for automating new or existing alerts when triggered by Jira Service Management Cloud integration. You can acknowledge or update an alert, add a note, close, or create a new alert through Jira requests. By default:
Opsgenie creates a new alert whenever a request is created in your selected project.
Opsgenie closes the alert whenever the status of the request that created the alert is updated to “Done”.
Opsgenie adds a new note to the alert whenever a comment is added to the request.
Opsgenie acknowledges the alert whenever the status of the request is selected “In progress”.
You can add multiple rules for each action. Additionally, you can add rules to acknowledge alerts or select the type of alerts that this integration should ignore.
Outgoing automation rules define how Opsgenie alerts affect Jira Service Management Cloud. There are two types of rules you can create for an outgoing automation:
Send alert updates to Jira to update a Jira request when the alert created by that request is updated in Opsgenie. This means that if a request created in Jira Service Management Cloudtriggered an alert in Opsgenie, with an incoming automation rule, and if that alert gets an update, Opsgenie sends this update information to Jira Service Management Cloud and updates the request.
Create and update Jira requests with Opsgenie alerts that are created by other integrations is also used to trigger Jira Service Management requests with an alert. However, this options lets you trigger the requests with the alerts you received from your other IT tools.
Add an incoming automation rule
To create an incoming automation rule:
Go to Settings > Integrations.
Select an integration to view the detail.
Under Incoming automation rules, select Add rule.
Enter Rule name.
Select Rule type. This is the action Opsgenie will take for the alerts you’ll define in the following steps.
Start adding conditions to select the alerts you’d like to apply to this rule. Learn more about action filters to set conditions. At this point, Opsgenie knows what action to take for which alerts. In the following steps, you can customize the alert detail.
In Alert properties, drag dynamic fields into the relevant alert fields. Select Show all fields to see all alert fields.
If you’d like to enable this rule now, select Enable now checkbox.
Select Save to add the rule.
Add an outgoing automation rule
There are two options for outgoing automation rules:
Send alert updates to Jira
If you receive an alert triggered by the incoming automation rule of a Jira Service Management Cloudintegration, you can update the Jira request simultaneously when the alert gets an update. To do that:
Go to Settings > Integrations.
Select an integration to view the detail.
Under Outgoing automation rules, select Send alert updates back to Jira.
Select Add update rule.
We’ll add a configurable row to create the rule. First, select an action, then select the update type.
Add as many rules as you need, then select Save.
You can disable the rule set by unselecting the checkbox. We’ll keep the rules, but we won’t apply them until you enable them again.
Create and update Jira requests with Opsgenie alerts that are created by other integrations
Select this option to trigger Jira requests with an alert you receive from your other IT tools.
Go to Settings > Integrations.
Select an integration to view the detail.
Under Outgoing automation rules, select Create and update Jira requests with Opsgenie alerts that are created by other integrations.
Select Add request creation rule.
Enter a Rule name.
Start adding conditions in the Filter alerts to select which alerts you’d like to apply this rule. Learn more about action filters.
Select which alert action should trigger creating this request. Remember, we’ll apply the alert action only for the type of alerts you’ve selected in the previous step.
In Request properties, select an issue type.
Select Edit request details to edit the fields of the request this rule will create.
Drag dynamic fields to customize, then select Apply. At this point, Opsgenie knows when and how to create a request in Jira Service Management Cloud with an alert.
Set Update actions for requests to define how to update the request. Select Add new action.
We’ll add a configurable row to create the rule. First, select an action, then select the update type.
If you’d like to enable this rule now, select Enable now checkbox.
Add as many rules as you need, then select Save.
When you add all the rules, select Enable integration from the top of the page.
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