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How to use the migration guide and complete tasks

The migration guide is a personalized, in-app tool designed to help you and your team transition smoothly from Opsgenie to Jira Service Management or Compass. It provides role-specific tasks and guidance to ensure your configurations, integrations, and workflows are correctly set up in your new product.

You can find the Migration Guide in Jira Service Management and Compass immediately after your migration is complete. It remains available for 120 days post-migration, helping you track and complete remaining tasks.

How the Migration Guide works

The Migration Guide is available to all users in Jira Service Management or Compass and can be accessed from relevant Operations pages such as Alerts, On-call schedules, and Reporting. The actionable and informational tasks appear according to your Opsgenie configuration and user permissions.

Admins, Team Admins, and Users see different tasks based on their role and the features they previously used in Opsgenie.


Let’s think that your Opsgenie setup included incident rules or action policies for some of your teams. Both Admins and Team Admins will see an action card in the Migration Guide, asking to configure an automation rule replacing the action policy, because action policies are not moved to Jira Service Management. 

This content would appear to both the admin and team admins because both can manage those configurations.

Key things to know about the Migration Guide

  • Your migration status isn’t affected by marking cards as complete. The guide remains available for reference, even after completing migration tasks.

  • If your users proceed with making more changes with a feature after marking the corresponding task as done — for example removing a migrated integration or disconnecting a chat tool’s workspace — the status of the task won't be reverted.

  • Completed tasks can't be reversed. Once a task is marked as done, it stays that way.

  • You can choose to ignore the tasks. Migration status is automatically marked as complete once all action items are done. However, users can manually mark a task as completed or complete the entire migration if some of tasks aren’t relevant.

  • Product admins and site admins can track all users' progress to ensure no steps are missed.

What tasks will you see in the Migration Guide?

Opsgenie admins and owners (Operations global admins)

As an admin you can use the Migration Guide to verify user migration, update key configurations, and ensure your critical features are working as expected. Tasks do change based on your set up but here are some of the Migration Guide tasks that can be found for Admins.

  • Verify that all users have been successfully migrated to Jira Service Management or Compass from Atlassian Admin.

  • Review your privacy and compliance settings. Check other critical features like which integrations were automatically moved and which require manual updates.

  • Double check whether admin tasks are completed. Some admin tasks, such as updating deprecated policies or porting phone numbers, might apply to all admins if mark done by another admin. Work with team admins and SMEs before marking these tasks as done.

  • Update central notification templates (now, role-based notifications) in Opsgenie which are assigned to Opsgenie Owners and assign them to another. Owner role is deprecated and converted to Operations global admin (same as Opsgenie admins), so these templates aren’t moved. You can find this task in Final actions

  • Migrate Heartbeats from the deprecated version (v1) to the new format. You can find this task in Heartbeats.

  • Port incoming call numbers to your Twilio account to keep using those numbers for incoming call routing and update the incoming call integration. This task is available under Incoming Call Routing.

  • Configure Atlassian Guard for authentication and security.

  • Manually copy incidents to Jira Service Management if new incidents were created after migration.

  • Reconnect chat integrations for Slack and Microsoft Teams.

Opsgenie team admins (Operations admins)

Team Admins should use the Migration Guide to verify that team-level configurations such as on-call schedules, policies, and integrations are correctly set up. Here are some of the Migration Guide tasks that can be found for Team admins.

  • Check integrations and policies to ensure they function correctly post-migration.

  • Ensure all on-call responders have downloaded Jira mobile app for alert notifications, and added the app as a contact method, so that they can continue receiving push notifications for alerts.

  • Regularly update Admins and Team members on migration progress.

Opsgenie users (Users)

Users don’t need to take action for the migration itself but should verify their personal settings and get familiar with the new product. Some of the user tasks are:

  • Download the Jira mobile app for push notifications.

  • Review Jira Service Management or Compass documentation to locate alerts, schedules, and incident response features.

  • Mark their migration as complete in the guide once they’ve reviewed their new setup.

If users have any questions, they should reach out to their Team Admins or refer to public documentation for further guidance.

Turning off Opsgenie and completing migration

Only Site Admins can turn off Opsgenie once the migration is complete. Before doing so, they should ensure that:

  • REST API endpoints are updated to the destination product.

  • Terraform configurations are updated to use the Atlassian Operations Terraform Provider.

  • Incoming call numbers have been ported and the integration is updated.

  • Automation and chat tool connections are configured.

  • Users needing mobile access have downloaded the Jira mobile app.

  • All users have completed their migration tasks.

Once these steps are verified, you can permanently turn off Opsgenie. Once Opsgenie is turned off, Atlassian will notify all users that Opsgenie is turned off and your migration is completed. Read how to turn off Opsgenie.

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