How are team reports calculated?
This document explains the calculations of the charts that are specific to Team Reports. For the ones that are common with Global Reports, please refer here.
Alert MTTA/R Reports
Calculates the MTTA/R for the alerts that are routed to the selected team on the side-menu. Alerts are added to this report at the time when an alert is actually routed to the team (i.e., if the team is in the latter escalation steps, it would wait for the escalation time to add the related alert to this report). It would use the First Acknowledge Time - Alert Creation Time formula to calculate the acknowledge time of the alerts. For more info about the MTTA calculations, you can check MTTA/R metrics calculations section for the Global Reports.
95th Percentile Time to Acknowledge:
Lists the acknowledge times of the closed alerts that are matching the designated time filter and sorts them according to their acknowledge times. Finds the rank that equals to the 95th percent of the values, meaning that 95% of the time, the acknowledge time is at or below this amount. Conversely, 5% of the acknowledge times may be above this rate.95th Percentile Time to Resolve:
Lists the close times of the closed alerts that are matching the designated time filter and sorts them according to their close times. Finds the rank that equals to the 95th percent of the values, meaning that 95% of the time, the close time is at or below this amount. Conversely, 5% of the close times may be above this rate.
Alert reports
Team productivity analytics
Alerts Escalated by Team:
Shows the percentage of the team alerts that are escalated to a certain level. This subset includes only the alerts that have an escalation in their notification flow.Alert Metrics per User:
Shows the user statistics based on the alerts they received. One thing to take into consideration is that the sum of the number of acknowledged and escalated alerts could be more than the total numbers of alerts that the user received, since a user can acknowledge an alert that is already escalated to someone else.
On-call time reports
All of the on-call time data is captured from the final schedule layer of the schedules, i.e, the recorded history of the schedules is used.
Total On-Call Time:
Calculates the total on-call time by adding all of the on-call periods in every rotation for the team schedules without eliminating the overlaps for a specific user.Total (Non-Overlapping) On-Call Time:
Shows the total on-call time by eliminating the overlapping on-call times of each user. This means that if a user is on-call in multiple rotations at the same time interval, only one of the shifts is counted for these duplicate on-call time intervals. To eliminate the overlapping intervals, the system is looking at every rotation, even though they might be in different schedules.On-Call Times:
Shows the on-call times per team member for the selected team’s schedules. Both overlapping and non-overlapping on-call times are shown as stacked. This chart can show up to 40 users at once.On Call Times per Schedule:
Shows non-overlapping on-call times for each user per schedule. Each schedule is independent from the others, meaning that they do not affect other schedule statistics when finding the non-overlapping on-call times. Only the rotations in the specific schedule shown are compared when finding the user’s non-overlapping on-call time for that schedule.Hourly and Daily Distributions of Total On Call Times:
Uses the overlapping on-call times to show the distributions.
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