Heartbeat API v2 migration guide
Beginning from April 2, 2018, Heartbeat API v1 will not be accessible and this document is to help you migrate to our new Heartbeat API.
Base URL
New Heartbeat base URL is https://api.opsgenie.com/v2/heartbeats
apiKey usage
apiKey is now removed from all payloads. In new requests, apiKey can be provided in Authorization header as described in following document:
Add Heartbeat Request
Payload fields "interval", "intervalUnit" and "enabled" are now mandatory fields. "description" fields remains same as optional.
Content-Type header should be provided as “application/json”.
For changes in response, see new Heartbeat API document.
Get Heartbeat Request
“name” field in previous version is now provided as URL path variable, see new Heartbeat API document for example request url and response.
Update Heartbeat Request
HTTP method changed from POST to PATCH for update requests.
Content-Type header should be provided as “application/json”.
“name” field in previous version is now provided as URL path variable, see new Heartbeat API document for example request url and response.
Delete Heartbeat Request
“name” field in previous version is now provided as URL path variable, see new Heartbeat API document for example request url and response.
Enable/Disable Heartbeat Requests
HTTP methods used in these requests now support PUT and PATCH in addition to POST.
“name” field in previous version is now provided as URL path variable, see new Heartbeat API document for example request urls and responses.
Send Heartbeat Request (Ping Heartbeat in New Version)
Send Heartbeat request in previous version is now called Ping Heartbeat. This change also applied to URL for this request.
HTTP methods used in this request now support GET, PUT and PATCH in addition to POST.
This request is processed asynchronously, thus, in case of a problem, customer should check the logs manually.
“name” field in previous version is now provided as URL path variable, see new Heartbeat API document for example request url and response.
List Heartbeats Request
List heartbeat request is not supported in Heartbeat API v2.
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