Integrations after migration
Most integrations from Opsgenie are automatically migrated to Jira Service Management or Compass, but some require manual configuration or are no longer supported. While core integrations remain functional, there are changes in how integrations are accessed, configured, and managed in the new platforms.
Migration summary
Are integrations available in all Jira Service Management and Compass plans?
Yes, most integrations are available across all Jira Service Management and Compass plans. However, bidirectional integrations are only supported in Jira Service Management Premium and Enterprise editions. Users migrating to Freeand Standard Jira Service Management editions may lose the outgoing part of their integrations.
Are integrations auto-synced after migration?
For Jira Service Management: Most Opsgenie integrations are automatically synced and available.
For Compass: Supported integrations are migrated, but some integrations will need to be manually reconfigured due to limited support.
Are there required actions for full workflow parity?
Yes. Some integrations require manual setup, and certain outdated versions won’t migrate. Users should:
Reconnect chat integrations like Slack and MS Teams manually.
Verify if integrations are fully supported or require migration to a newer version.
Check for limited-support integrations that work temporarily but won’t allow new configurations.
The following changes apply to Jira Service Management and Compass:
Chat integrations (Slack, MS Teams, etc.) aren’t automatically migrated. You need to manually reconnect, authenticate or reconfigure based on your tool’s specific requirements. After establishing the connection, you can copy your chat tools from your Migration Guide.
Outdated versions of some integrations won’t be available in Jira Service Management. Users must switch to newer versions where available.
For Compass users, MS Teams and Zoom integrations aren’t supported.
Jira Service Management で構成できない古い統合
約 24 の統合の古いバージョンは、JSM の新しい構成では使用できません。これらのバージョンを使用する Opsgenie の既存の統合は引き続き移行されますが、Jira Service Management でこれらのバージョンの新しい統合を作成することはできません。ただし、Jira Service Management でこれらの構成された統合を表示および編集できます。
Campfire (チャット)
CA Flowdock (チャット)
Pingdom Server Monitor
Trace by RisingStack
Outdated integration versions that won’t move to Jira Service Management or Compass
Certain outdated versions of Opsgenie integrations with some products won't be moved. However, they'll remain functional in Opsgenie until Opsgenie is turned off. .
You may still find some of these integrations available for configuration in Jira Service Management and Compass. These are newer versions of those integrations, and you'll need to configure them from scratch.
In the table below, we've outlined the availability of integrations in Opsgenie and Jira Service Management and Compass.
Yes: You can use a newer version of the integration in Jira Service Management and Compass and set up instances from scratch.
No: The integration isn't available for addition in Jira Service Management and Compass. You can use the outdated version of the integration in Opsgenie, but its existing instances, if any, will not move to Jira Service Management.Integrations unavailable in Jira Service Management
連携 | Available for integration in Jira Service Management and Compass |
AppSignal | はい |
ConnectWise | はい |
ConnectWiseManage | はい |
Grafana | はい |
MonitisEmail | はい |
MS Teams | Only in Jira Service Management |
Nagios | はい |
NagiosXI | はい |
NewRelicSyntheticsEmail | はい |
OEMEmail | はい |
Observium | はい |
PagerDuty 統合 API | いいえ |
PingdomWebhook | はい |
PingdomEmail | E メールの統合は利用できません。pingdom の統合タイプはもう 1 つあります。 |
UptimeRobotEmail | はい |
ServiceNow | はい |
ServiceNowV2 | はい |
Slack | Yes — Only 1 workspace allowed for Compass |
Zendesk | はい |
ZyrionEmail | いいえ |
Firebase Crashlytics | いいえ |
サポート終了の統合: Opsgenie は以下の統合をサポートしなくなります。Opsgenie をオフにするまで Opsgenie で機能し続けますが、これらの統合の新しいインスタンスを作成することはできません。
CA Flowdock (受信トレイ)
Hp Service Manager
Jira Server (ベータ版)
Integrations in Jira Service Management
After migration, your Opsgenie integrations are available in Jira Service Management under Operations > General configuration > Integrations. Or, go to Teams > Operations > Integrations to view your team’s integrations.
Most integrations function the same way as in Opsgenie, but some require manual setup.
Incoming call routing integrations are now a separate feature, accessible from Operations > General configuration > Incoming call routing instead of being listed under integrations.
Jira Software and Jira Service Management integrations appear under Syncs.
Chat tools like Slack and MS Teams need to be reconnected. Then the respective integrations can be copied from Opsgenie to Jira Service Management through your migration guide.
Bi-directional integrations require Premium or Enterprise plans. Users on lower editions lose outgoing functionality.
Outdated integrations (listed below) won’t be available for new configurations.
Integrations in Compass
In Compass, integrations are available under Operations > General configuration > Integrations. While many integrations are migrated, some are not fully supported, and others require manual syncing or reconfiguration.
Syncs are available for Jira Software and Jira Service Management integrations.
MS Teams and Zoom integrations are not supported in Compass.
Some integrations are classified as limited support and can’t be newly configured.
Connect your Chat Tools
Your chat integrations aren't automatically moved to Jira Service Management and Compass because they’re currently connected to Opsgenie.
Connect your chat tools with Jira Service Management.
Copy your chat integrations from Opsgenie to Jira Service Management.
こうすることで、オンコール チームは既存のチャット チャンネルからアラートに対応できるようになります。
チャット ツールと Jira Service Management を連携する
From the list of Slack workspaces and Microsoft tenants, select Connect for the ones you wish to use with Jira Service Management. Make sure you’re a member of the Slack workspace or Microsoft tenant you’re trying to connect to.
Once you complete the authorization prompted by Slack or Microsoft Teams, you should see the status in Jira Service Management as Connected.
Copy your Opsgenie chat integrations to Jira Service Management
In your migration guide, go to Chat Tools and from the list of Opsgenie chat integrations, select Copy to Jira for the ones you want to copy to Jira Service Management. Make sure you’re a member of the channel connected to the chat integration, or else you won’t be able to copy it to Jira Service Management.
If you see Give permission instead of Copy to Jira, this means Jira Service Management needs your permission to create channels and post to channels in Slack and Microsoft Teams.
You can check the connected channels by going to View all Integrations and then looking at the Connected to column in the table to join it. If it’s a private channel, then you won’t be able to search it on Slack and Microsoft Teams, you can reach out to your admin for help.
統合は何も変更されずにコピーされますが、既定ではステータスが OFF になります。統合の設定を変更してから手動で有効にして、動作するようにしてください。
Connect your chat tools with Compass
In your Migration Guide,
Go to Chat tools and select Connect your Slack app. You’ll see a list of your existing Slack integrations.
If you haven’t connected a Slack workspace yet, select Manage Slack app.
Get back to your Migration Guide and select Copy configurations from Copy your Opsgenie chat integrations to Compass step.
Opsgenie チャット統合からの重複通知を防ぐ
チャット統合をコピーすると、Opsgenie と Jira Service Management でも同じ統合が有効になります。 そのため、アラート アクティビティごとに重複した通知が届くようになります。
To fix this: Select Manage chat integrations in Opsgenie, find and turn off your chat integrations in Opsgenie. This will only turn off your Opsgenie chat integrations, the integrations won’t be deleted. You can turn them back on at any time.